Fruits are amazing, I eat a lot of them. But, the only veggies that I actually like are carrots and broccoli. That's what the V8 is there for, though :3
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Fruits are amazing, I eat a lot of them. But, the only veggies that I actually like are carrots and broccoli. That's what the V8 is there for, though :3
Fruits in my opinion are more important. Plus they taste better ^_^
Mighty fruits.
Plus, I only drink 1 can of Pepsi during saturday. mainly drink water or milk the rest of the time.
Except for my increadible supply of chocolate, I don't have any "food" problem.
That's GOOD ^_^
Soda is tasty, but try to limit them as 'treats'.
Nice. I should start eating those foods... You are considerate... I wanna be a Red Baron Knight just like you...
Eat Red Apples
I hate fruits but those jellies look tasty me...
Well the smoking thing you are right about and the junks foods makes me want to be a health nut. Anyways it's good not to smoke ever. Because once you start it's a bitch to quit and that's why I haven't quit yet. Also I have smoked for 3 years and I spent a estimated 3,000 dollars on smokes. Could of used that money better.
LOL I get what you mean, but I would change this sentence "Next to getting hit by a car, you really should try obvious ways too stay alive."
What you mean is: "next to avoiding walking blindly into traffic people should try to eat and drink what's healthy for there bodies."
"Your health is probably the most important thing that can help prevent things like Cancer and stuff."
I would say: "Healthy eating and avoiding a few things like smoking cigarettes and excessive alcohol, will go a long way in preventing cancer and other problems that doctors will prescribe expensive medicenes to cure. Good health will save you years and dinero in the long run ;)"
It's so sad man! I see it all the time: people who clearly never paid attention to how to take care of themselves and blame their problems on everyone but themselves. Most people would be in very good shape at their age, weather they are 50 or 90, if they had thought about this kind of stuff when they were still in their prime. The key to a good living is to start living good early, and by good I mean by being health concious and treating your body with respect.
I wish more people would listen to what you said here man... I really do because I hate seeing people blame everyone but themselves for their own problems...
"Some people are born to be lame and some are born to be great. Those who say they had no choice, didn't see that was a choice that they made."
LOL thanks dude, I try to simplify to the shortest sentences possible so people can easily remember.
And I know! I see a hot chick who smokes cigarettes and it makes me wonder.
Or I just see guys eating GOBS of junk foods and sodas.
That's an interesting catch phrase.