Aww! I'll miss you! :D
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Aww! I'll miss you! :D
good luck with your art sabbatical.
Domo? DOMO?!?! Domo origato mista robato ---domo ----domo
Dang! You're taking a break?!??!? Who's gonna fill your shoes??? Agh, everyone needs a break. And, cool though you are, you probably need one too.
Have fun and don't forget to write! lol
Going back to unitary educational confinement *sigh*,
PS: I sent you a message, but never got a response. Surely, you didn't delete it did you?
<a href=""> /522414</a>
bye bye. :) have fun.
Happy new year.
wow, i think it's healthy to go crazy every once in a while, good luck! :-)