I always liked the sound of a ukelele. its so unthreatning.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
I always liked the sound of a ukelele. its so unthreatning.
Oh I still want to shred it on an electric guitar one day, but for now, the Ukulele is an easy to carry and easy to manage instrument.
hahaha O maaan! That kid is so cute. I was thinking learning that song next.
But I'm using this ...<a href="http://ukulelehunt.com/2010/02/24/ukulele-lessons/">http://ukulelehunt.com/2010/02/24/uku lele-lessons/</a>
I'm on intermediate. Figure I should learn those 4 songs all pro like b4 I go on. plus I tryed going to more harder songs ...dint turn out to good.
Heres the one I'm learning now, the chorus is a bit hard cause my hand always wants to go to 'F' right after 'C' -swat I get for practicing that dam rainbow song so much lol
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvMVCHhwTPs">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvMVCH hwTPs</a>
Good song bro, let me know when your gonna post something cool.
I completely agree with ur reply to Luis, I'm using the Uke as a gateway instrument lol.
What do you want to play later?
I got a Ukulele when I was 5. Still haven't learned to play it though, lmao. Neat instrument.
If you can still play you should.
But I bet you don't look as cute as that kid playing it!
Nah, but just practice and you'll be pro in no time. Have fun
So far I only know 3 cords.