I find Science fiction incredibly interesting! Especially near future fictions because you can see it become science fact! Before your very eyes. lol like how William Shattner claims he invented the cell phone.
This reminds me of movies like A.I., i Robot ....I really think they should continue the story of iRobot ...'Sunny' is just too good a character. I guess I just really like the prospect of a robot gaining ...life .... consciousness. Which is why I think I really liked the 2003 Anime Astro Boy when I was younger. He was said to be created with "Kokoro" ...which gave him heart! A robot with feelings more than just circuits.
When you look at these designs ...the bird, the jelly fish, its amazing because you get to see Gods design on a simpler level ...the balance the science behind it ...how it works. And I'm in aw even by that ....even by the recreations of such things. O_O
"Are we ourselves just advanced machines?"
Advanced is an understatement ...psshh ... :P lol no but seriously ...if you really think about it. Every thought and notion we have is a chemical reaction ...a memory an electric signal! Our BRAINS! Our BRAINS MAN!! Infinite in conceptual possibility, the ability to change and reajust to changing environment! Assessing the world in all its potential can create an idea of any magnitude ....and bring it to life! ....I mean the mental in itself is .....eternal in explanation and variation. But, the fact that we can take what we imagine and bring it to life ....I will never take for granted. ---Forever a creator I will stay :)
It also reminds me of Gurren Laggan ...if you havn't seen it yet ...its all on Netflix I HIIIIGHLY recommend it :D its that awesome! But the character Lord Genome is presented as a creature ...ull see.
great essay, and pretty damn informative!
love the vids too
JakBaronKing (Updated )
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