Heh, OK. Why aren't you sleeping yet?
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Heh, OK. Why aren't you sleeping yet?
Cause I need to finish these NG messages.
It is a pretty nice logo, I think.
haha, sounds like you had fun :D the good kinda tired.
Wow, that was awesome of him. That really is a cool logo. Very minimal.
It "IS" a cool logo isn't it.
I knew that logo was familiar! You should've signed your name to everyone of those!
Some shindig, huh... :( ya should've introduced me to Jordan!
You left before he arrived I believe.
O: If only I followed the Zen of Luis.... Being there without a car really spooked me, shoulda just stayed put and tried to match drinks with Sherbalex, and just kept my eye on the last train back to NJ :(
Dude, I was so tired! The two nights previous to the party, I only got 90 minutes of sleep, due to a tooth infection. At the hotel, same problem. Hoping rubbing the spot with rubbing alcohol on a q-tip, kills the infection, so I can finally get some rem sleep :\
An infection of any degree is no laughing matter.
Go see a doctor as soon as you can.
Nice meeting you. :)
That is a nice logo, looks something they could sell in the shop too. Any pictures of people? I was glued to the live stream a while, but I don't think I spotted you. Are you one of the untitled people in this: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/6f23d50a9e03c173de6045e6ff9181cf">http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/6f23d50a9e 03c173de6045e6ff9181cf</a>
Also, if you spot anyone you know by name/I put the wrong name for, would be good to know.
I wouldn't know much.
It's the first time meeting everyone in person. I hardly could remember everyone.
Fuck I am tired.