Holy cow, man...! That sounds brutal!
I assume you've gone to get checked out at this point or taken some kinda medication?
Feel better bro, wishin' you the best. :(
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Holy cow, man...! That sounds brutal!
I assume you've gone to get checked out at this point or taken some kinda medication?
Feel better bro, wishin' you the best. :(
Could it be mold, an allergic reaction? At least get tested, it cold be walking pneumonia. How's you water supply? If you're renting and it's the place that causing it, maybe you can apply it against the rent? Wish I could help.... Hospital has to take you, if you get any worse, it might cost even more :\ Just ask about charity care, insistently!
I hate that crap! Half the time when I get a cold, it takes weeks to go away. I hope you feel better soon.
Was wondering how you were doing---
Jeez, how long have you been sick for? :C
Almost 4 weeks.
It's pretty much gone now but the Phlegm still comes out while I sleep.
I cannot sleep usually because as soon as I lie down and start getting comfortable, the phlegm decides it's time to leave my lungs.
I missed 2.5 weeks of work so far. I ran out of food while I was sick. And I had to deal with a rat in my attic.
Was not a fun month.