We've all read it before in the Bible, or other cultures perspectives.
We all like to believe that bad people go to hell and are eternally punished for sins and crimes they commit.
Well...I've contemplated upon this idea and I can honestly say...it's all a bunch of BULL.
There is no logical reason for torture as punishment.
The real salvation comes from within...or at least believing in a benevolent figure head that will 'save' you from hell. But that being said...leaves me to doubt the reason of there being a Heaven or Hell.
If God is indeed all knowing and created everything, then logically IT *being God, is also a vast composition of good and evil.
In Spingapore, there is a theme park dedicated to scare visitors of the 10 stages of Hell, each horrifying punishment for a different reason.
And then there's the...um....Americanized version of Hell.
Do you hear their fear?
Do you feel the pain they believe in?
And do you also sense the....um......well....
It plays mostly on fear.
These people FEAR Hell and they 'want' to do good because they don't want to go to Hell.
But.....here's the truth.
Much like the boogie man idea if you don't go to bed in time or the monster in your closet.
Religions have played a HUGE role at clawing at our inhibitions and insecurities.
Sure there is danger, and torture existing in our own lives. But the real destruction exists in our own being.
Our intelligence must be strived for, our spirit must be leveled, our bodies at tune with both.
Now...Hell could very well exist. Because the manifestations of beliefs and thoughts are so infinite and vast it is illogical to not believe it doesn't exist. Or it can. Or it won't. Infinite loop of infinite thoughts produces infinite possibilities.
I'm saying...you should choose to NOT believe in a Hell. And that bad people don't go to a place where they are tortured for eternity. Or not...do whatever you want.
But nothings is going to change or progress unless we change from what is within.
Bad people...good people...no difference. We are ALL people and we all have our inner demons.
Bigotry, Vanity, Inhibitions, Incontinence, Fear, Lethargy, Indifference....etc.
People choose to go to Hell because they are in their own Hell.
And it makes no difference to believe others will go to hell and you will go to heaven.
You're all in the same boat.
But in case I'm wrong, take this with a grain of salt.
We are an amazing species. Our ability to think, conceptualize, and manifest.
Here's a bit of a scary thought, what if through-out the infinite time and space world, there existed beings meant of trying to control the realities of consciousness that pass on after they died?
Heaven is structured, so is Hell...it's like a city or a organized mass of people.
But what if consciousness was intended to be free and do whatever it wants?
To experience all forms of life, consciousness, even sins, tribulations and retributions.
The Universe is huge...I wish I could explore it.
You'll probably despise me for saying this, but you aren't really a philosopher. I have no doubt that you have some good intentions, but your tendency to believe anything without thinking it though isn't going to help at all.
JakBaronKing (Updated )
Dude, I write these at like...3am in the morning.
I'm hardly thinking, just letting my inner subconscious doing the typing. Just letting the words type out on their own you know?
Just...you know...letting my thoughts out.
A good emotional outlet before bed. Helps with the tossing and turning.