I 'nerd-raged' a little regarding the character "Derpy Hooves" and it's recent censorship.
But thinking deeper upon this....it's much more than just supporting a cartoon character you like.
This is all about our 'freedom of expression' without 'oppression' or 'animosity'.
Think about the word 'derp'....it's a 'slang' right? As in...made up.
It's interpretation is all in the individuals or groups, and I noticed that how people react to certain words or phrases, it reveals a part of their personality.
I would like to reefer to the episode "The Story of the Whomps" from "Recess" again.
PLEASE WATCH THIS WHOLE EPISODE. It expresses my point VERY clearly through the characters.
*This is more about a sociological level of thinking rather than just a fandom rage.
Notably enough, those that hold the..."pole up their ass", will generally find certain means of expression offensive and liberating for punishment.
I remember as a child...I used to get 'SLAPED' by my strict father for 'sighing' when he scolded me.
*It was a Japanese thing, don't worry about it.
That's the key element. Sociological interpretation. And all slang has this affect on people and is regarded for it's quality by the mass appeal or disapproval. And eventually, certain words are considered okay. The idea of making up new words is the means of avoiding trouble to those who say otherwise.
Damn became Dang.
Hell became Heck or Hey.
Even extended how certain racial slurs came about.
I remember back in the early 90's it was more appropriate to call someone 'African American' rather than 'Black.'
Hasbro & Hub have done something FAR terrible than covering their asses to protect their 'sensitive viewers'.
They've defined the word "derp" as being OFFENSIVE.
By censoring a cartoon character...they've changed the meaning of how this word "Derp" can be used.
No longer is "Derp" considered playful and fun to use whenever you are working, mess up, and laugh about it.
People might actually file LAWSUITS when someone casually uses the word "Derp" in a work environment
This course of action, especially by influential television viewers, will now see a harmless word as a 'hateful' word.
Course, written above is just a 'Worst Case Scenario' situation.
But it's something to think about when our freedom of expression is always going to be judged.
People should just learn to understand the 'intentions' and 'emotions' of people and not just their words.
As I said before...even so called 'offensive' language could be expressed with kindness and grace if spoken by a kind person.
And especially 'safe' language could be expressed with cruelty and harm if spoken by a hateful person.
It's the WAY how words are used, structured, and how they are spoken with certain tone.
Television has a HUGE affect on the masses, especially the youth.
And I worry what the outcome will be because of this action of censorship.
Hopefully, I can use the word "derp" and not get into trouble.
I just think it's backpedaling from making Derpy over-the-edge retarded.
Even if that were the case, I think Hasbro should've stuck to their guns; maybe there are little girls out there that have crossed eyes and there's nothing they can do about it...maybe those cross-eyed kids could find a relatable trait in Derpy. Either way, the "ditziness" in her was always cute and endearing, not overpowering and shameful....Hasbro's making a mistake, but maybe they'll realize that. Hell, they aren't going to refer to her by anything else, methinks.
But come now. Censorship is easing off a pebble at a time. Take this comparison, My Little Pony and Transformers in the 80's versus MLP:FiM and Transformers Prime now.
The current generation has ASTONISHING depth to it, because it knows kids are smarter. So while Hasbro might be a little light-footed in their fears of pissing off a parent with Derps, they're simultaneously challenging that core demographic's thought processes with some pretty adult dilemma's and ethical situations. Hell, in Transformers Prime, it's fuckin' DARK. Millions of Autobots and Decepticons have died, and there's gruesome flashbacks to atrocities in the Cybertron war...it restores faith that Hasbro hasn't completely lost their spine.
JakBaronKing (Updated )
They SHOULD'VE stuck with their original intentions.
It really was a 'tip-of-the-hat' to the fans. And it could've been a break-trough for demonstrating a realistic character you'd might see in real life.
If the show really is about being 'accepting' and 'tolerant' of others, by censoring Derpy, they clearly went against their own message.
Course...cleverly enough, they didn't 'really' censor her. But they 'DID' change her voice and 'EYES' a key feature of why this character is different.
Is the new Transformers series really that good? I'll have to give it a try.
Very well said man.
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