"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

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On the Subject of "Gay Marriage"

Posted by JakBaronKing - June 2nd, 2012

You know...at one point in history, oppression and execution of 'blacks' was considered a Religious and righteous act by the KKK.

Bottom line...It's nothing but hate man.

Jesus says that the union of man and woman is written in Genesis. But he goes on to say the following....
Jesus himself in the Bible says that some people are just born gay.

"Matthew 19:11-12"

"Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can." (Matthew 19:11-12)

The definition term for "Eunuch" is a man without testicles.

Arguably since the word "gay" or "homosexual" did not exist back then, this description could reefer to male gays.
*note, it is also believed that women shared no real equality back then, so their rights were never really discussed in the bible.

But whatever this intrepretation really means, it's not the most important teaching the Bible.

To which Jesus says the basic law of "Loving thy neighbor as yourself".

He does not condone...

-Restriction of rights and freedom *Let them get married already since they do love each other.

"Loving thy neighbor as yourself". Isn't this expression pretty self-explanitory!?

Basically stop being Nazi towards people just because you don't like their way of doing things.

If it's not hurting anyone else emotionally or physically. Just love and tolerate.

It's not your biz to get in a hate crime or get all raged up about.

Bottom line.

People can make anything into an ugly or hateful thing.

It's all about perspective.

The hateful emotion people express can make an ugly picture out of anything.

And even the 'purest' of religious texts *nothing referenced specifically, can be interpreted in a 'dirty' way by a 'dirty' mind. *That's how powerful people's emotions are.

There is an expression from the TV show "Recess".

"Anyone who finds dirty meaning in a 'word' probably just has a dirty mind to begin with."

Remember people "Love and Tolerance"

Brony version

Epic Lyric Version

Thank God for Charlie Chaplin.

Now for my 'personal' favorite touch. Reggae is hot in Hawaii.

Remember. Your emotions are your guide, they can go both ways, love or hate. Work together with your mind and spirit, you can achieve and see through anything.


I saw a little of what you wrote above, I believe nothing of what you put has anything to do with it.. We as humans have decisions to make. We do it everyday and if gay marriage bothers you then don't like it, if you don't care if it happens, then your not going to care. It's not hurting anyone for gays to get marriage rights. all the stuff from the bible isn't even admissible in any of it because theirs no proof of its authenticity or if any of the people in the bible were trust worthy people. Its a great book, its more of a historical book if anything.. being able to know of the people who lived and the cities that were formed is a great historical piece. i just believe as an individual you can think whatever you want. its your choice to make whether you believe its right or wrong or if its gross or appropriate.. don't let anyone or anything influence these types of decisions. If its why we are here, to make these kinds of choices and decisions then it needs to be made by you and nobody else. That's it. There's nothing else. Its not difficult to understand that we do what we want every day, we decide every little action we make through out the day, not to say we don't have jobs and things that are set in stone but your still making a choice to go to work, and do these things so make a choice on gay marriage and stick to it. And no matter what anyone else says stick to what you believe. who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks. its so unimportant what Joe schmo says about you because your backing gay marriage or if your not backing it. If its your friends they'll understand. real friends usually do and if their against what you say its not going to turn into a huge ordeal and break a friendship. if it did or does then you weren't that great of friends after all.. I'm over it.. Good luck.

I'm not really pro-Bible. I'm more pro-Sensibility.

I'm just using the Bible to find a counter-arugment to all the hatred and emotional backlash to any back-ward thinking people who use the Bible as a rhetoric to justify the persecution.

Looks like you and i think alike.


Oh thank you sweet bloody Jesus for writing this. So glad I live in New York, a tolerant place where I can walk down the street holding hands with my darling Megan without getting scorn.

I have a little cousin and a few close friends who are gay.

And a bigoted 'christian' friend who's gay aunty is the nicest person you'd ever meet but is ashamed of her.

Notice that nobody who says "let anyone who loves each other get married" discusses incest, polygamy, or prearranged necrophilia (i.e. the dead person consents to it before dying). Seems like gay marriage backers just use a lot of empty rhetoric that they don't really believe. You really got ridiculous arguing that Jesus was talking about gays by mentioning eunuchs (castrated slaves who were born into a dishonored position in the world).

Also, not oppressing a group for its behavior is not connected with identifying it as a sin. Remember the adulteress Jesus saved? He never argued that she should not feel guilt or have her sins ignored/accepted, just that sinners should not be physically punishing each other.

I guess I shouldn't even post this, since mostly you mention emotion as your key argument rather than any kind of twisted logic, but it's worth a shot.

In another culture, things like incest and polygamy are appropriate forms of relationships.
*Ancient Hawaiian culture is built upon incest. As for polygamy, it was also accepted during old Hebrew times.

As for insisting 'prearranged necrophilia' be a result of gay rights, I can think that you are backing your agreement with empty rhetorics. Especially by counter the argument of 'how' people should've viewed the adulteress. You are basically saying that it's okay to feel scorn and bigotry towards certain people.

I'm talking about the emotional backlash, which often festers and evolves into violent actions. Remember "violence thoughts begets violence actions". And that if you commit adultery in your heart, etc.

My point is, Jesus expresses that you have to have the right view point in order to achieve peace among all types of people.

But I'm not all pro-Jesus. I'm actually more pro-Buddha. As I love to study a variety of religions. Everyone has something interesting to say and offer in terms of philosophy and ethical teachings.

What defines a 'sin' is mostly a cultural perspective. You'll see it in many religious texts that the terms are so different that it doesn't really matter.

Bottom line, don't hate. Even if it bothers you SO much. If you just love, you'll see a way through. Even through the most complicated and convoluted arguments of politics and holocaustic situations. Use your mind and heart.

ohbombuh seems to be too stupid to realize that incest, polygamy, and necrophilia are not legal in the United States, unlike homosexuality. They're red herrings, as is typical for the anti-equality crowd since they have not a single logical argument against same-sex marriage.