Well...Season 3 of MLP was out today.
'Say the least I was fairly entertained.
But then again, these intro episodes are just a bit weak and don't live up to the full potential of what they could be.
To make up for it, the main episodes to follow will be very fun to watch.
To celebrate, I'd like to share a little interesting piece of information that has become a bit of a meme a while back.
It is funny how coincidental this concept has occurred, considering the book "Hitch-Hichers Guide to the Galaxy" the whole plot being about the number "42" and how it was the meaning of life and a strange reoccurrence in sacred geometry, religion, art, and science.
Well...Read This Comic.
I'm a huge fan of all the 'Harmony Jazz' and 'Peace through-out the Universe bizz'.
So stuff like this really get's me squeaking happily.