Fucker won't even pay his employees health insurance.
Yet he gives away 2 million free pizzas every year.
The guy owns a mansion with a moat. And a revolving floor for his limos.
He has more money than he could spend in a life time.
Fun Fact: If you average the cost of all the ingredients to make a large size pepperoni pizza.
It only comes out to $2 to make. Pizza is charged for $10 dollars cheapest.
That's nearly a 500% profit!
That's how much money this fucker is making.
And that's basically how much of a profit these fast food joints are making.
*Start cooking for yourselves more often, make your own pizza and burgers.
If you have the yard space, I would highly recommend you get into gardening and grow your own veggies too.
Rich Greedy Bastards like him, Donald Trump, etc.
They could literally MOVE MOUNTAINS with the money they make.
Yet they rather move themselves onto that mountain, and build a moat and live it up like they are kings of the 14th century.
I bet if even only 5% of what they are making gets donated to cancer research, they would've already found a cure by now.
Or if the Family Guy episode is correct, a wealthy pharmaceutical company already found a cure.
But decided that treating cancer is more profitable than curing it.
Fucking Greed. That's all it is.
You shouldn't eat pizza anyway. It makes you fat.
Oddly enough, making your own pizza from scratch doesn't.
Especially if you are conscious about the ingredients you use.
Olive Oil instead of Canola oil etc.
Low fat cheese and more sauce.
Mushrooms instead of sausages.
Ideally, Pizza can be very healthy if you use 100% whole grain wheat flour.