Read the article here on Equestria Daily
Obviously Hasbro thinks too strongly on the lines of copyright protection and censorship.
*By censoring a made-up fan word, you've officially made it sound offensive.
Sure they allow little things to slide by like comics, and all the uploads you can easily find on youtube *(cause you know it'll only promote the series) - but I have bad feelings about why Hasbro placed a 'cease and deceit' lawsuit on a 'non-profit' fan-game.
The biggest tick for me is that this game is full of amazing works of game programing, animation, and music.
Does Hasbro or any other Big Name company really have the right to control our fan work?
If they did that, they might as well take down Tumbler sites, Deviantart comics, Newgrounds all that jazz. But then who are we to be? Just slaves to mediocrity?
They already took down "Friendship is WitchCraft" by Shereclop. They even had to make their own site. I don't know why, it was specifically disclaimed to be non profit fan-work.
It's a real shame. Because I was really looking forward to playing this game.
A similar game even featured on Newgrounds called "PPGD: Battle in Megaville" was featured and gone un-threatened by their big name company Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
Because people knew that the game was fake and not part of the franchise. It was based off a fan-work comic.
But since Hasbro is being kinda a bunch of but-holes *scuse my language - that means they can essentially sue this guy's work too.
And look how fantastic it is! Would you really want that to be gone?
Copyright sucks sometimes. Sure we use it to protect our ideas from being 'ripped off'.
But that's the whole point of a real copyright lawsuit. Shameless rip-offs and fake merchandise, etc - stuff that makes others money at the expensive and creative effort of others. That's what copyright laws are SUPPOSE to do.
Not to halt fantastic non-profit fan-work. Those only serve as a tribute to their greatness. That's the opposite of what is suppose happen. You WANT FAN-WORK.
It's really stupid. Especially since 'some' companies only really care about money and not the creative drive that it could produce.
Can't we just live in a world where it's the ideas that are important. Not necessarily who owns them. Ideas build on top of each-other.
If this copyright "Protection" gets too out of hand, then we'll never move forward and are always staying within the boundaries of what we can and cannot take from inspiration. Because our inspiration could be claimed as 'theirs'.
That's like a Caveman suing Thomas Jefferson for "light". We'd still be in the dark ages.
Or the Earl of Sandwich suing every restaurant that sold 'HIS' meal. But even the Earl didn't make the Sandwich. One of his cooks did. The cook couldn't name it, but the king declared it for himself.
Bottom's the difference between Greed vs Creativity.
MONEY owns you. It owns your ideas. And puts a restriction on your capabilities of working with inspiration.
Hasbro may own a piece of paper of a franchise they bought out from an old woman in the 80's.
But they are seriously making people upset and halting all this creative freedom.
They were not the creative force as to why people like the franchise.
It was artists. Artists who care nothing more than the heart of animation magic and the talents of fantastic story telling.
They shouldn't get so offended by fan work. Nor do I believe they really have any right suing "non-profit" artwork.
Also - Fighting Games are very socially popular and very competitive.
But I've seen good sportsmanship emerge from a simple video game.
And nothing is wrong is friendly sparing.
If you are a Brony or an activist of Non-Profit Creative Freedom and want to write a letter to Hasbro.
Here is the address.
Hasbro, Inc.
1027 Newport Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02862.
But be polite and constructive.
How can fans express themselves if the Franchise owners put the thumb down on everything that even hold a likeness to it!?
Wow, that game would've been a big hit here at NG. Really great music video too.
And it was all fan worked on.
No money, no contracts, no profit gained.
Just fans expressing themselves.