As I mentioned a few posts vision was getting worse.
I couldn't see ANYTHING without my glasses.
My sight was no better than Beer Goggles.
And I couldn't swim in the ocean anymore. I couldn't see the horizon from the sea.
Well enough was enough and I decided to finally get Lasik Eye Surgery.
My eye surgery used a 'cool' laser as oppose to the old fashion 'razor blade' method. It's far more efficient and safer.
So now that you understand a little bit of how Lasik works...this is basically how my procedure went.
And Eyes are like this.
- - - -
In reality, I was really really scared.
All they gave me was a relaxation pill and was 'instructed' to not move.
There are risks however and not everyone is able to get the surgery.
I'll have to see if my eyes adjust properly in a few weeks.
And I basically have to use special medicated eye drops.
This is my very first elective surgery.
And it was EXPENSIVE!!! But don't fall victim to 'on sale laser eye surgery'. It's most likely a scam.
I've been saving up for this surgery for almost 5 years.
Talk to your doctor and see which establishment offers the best possible equipment and the most experienced surgeons.
Your eyes are important, don't screw them up.
But it was well worth it. Cause...I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW!
Update 4/10/13: My following check-up was a success! No problems. In fact, all is very well.
Here's how much my vision improved.
I was at 20/390 - That's really REALLY bad. Like a cartoon mole without glasses blind.
Now both my eyes are at 20/20
It's practically a miracle!
Update 4/13/13: Basic symptoms and side effects have started occurring.
-Sensitivity to light
-dry/sticky eye feeling
-trouble focusing immedeatly near and far * takes a few moments.
It's so important to NOT rub your eyes.
And you have to sleep with a protective plastic eye mask for about a week.
But for the most part. My eyes are okay.
Update: 4/19/13: Follow Up appointment was a success.
-My sensitivity to light is lessened.
-My vision is now a perfect 20/20
-And I don't have to sleep with an eye protection mask.
Getting Lasik was SO worth it - since before I was technically legally blind.
When do you back for a follow up exam? Wow glad to hear the initial effects are solid :) you could wear a monocle o.Q How much per eye, if I may ask?
I'm not saying how much my procedure costed.
But most 'good' places charge well over $4000 dollars.
But again, if you are considering this surgery, make extra extra sure you do your research.