"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

Joined on 9/27/07

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JakBaronKing's News

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 6th, 2010

Butch Hartman has always made me laugh with his TV shows. I remember them from when I was younger with Fairly OddParents.

I have to admit, he's a pretty talented animator. And if I understand correctly....he's one of the few producers of animation who work within the United States. That means no Korean animators. He's strictly 100% pure self-animation representing!

His latest TV series is surprisingly even funnier than his previous two.

Although perhaps it's a big rip off of "Get Smart" and copying those famous "Animal Spy Movies".

But this show has been around a few weeks and I've been keeping tabs on it.

Call me childish but this show has be bursting a gut with laughter. Probably because famous comedian actor "Jerry Trainor" does the voice of Dudley the dog & multi-voice talent "Grey DeLisle" does the voice of Kitty the cat.

Go check it out on Nick. At least something on that network is starting to outshine an annoying yellow sponge.

Studying the animation, it's obviously on a budget. But it's doing very well in my opinion still. Animation itself is only a part of the enjoyment, the rest...is "substance." Whatever that means. Just interpret it for yourself.


*Is it just me, or is the term "Furry" being taken to newer realms of acceptance. And this is a kids show.

Animation Series Review: "Tuff Puppy" by Butch Hartman

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 3rd, 2010

Okay, Disney went to GREAT lengths to hypen this game up.

I mean...after buying out Pixar and using some of the BEST CG animation I had ever seen, I was expecting something awesome.

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Well...disappointedly enough, the story is good, but the gameplay is really weak.

I've played almost half way though and I was only impressed about 40% of the time.

There are no real voice actors, instead all the conversation is replaced by grunts and muffled sound the characters express occasionally. I can see where that would be both a budget saver and a means of easily translating the story into other languages without hiring additional voices.

The camera is HORRIBLE. if left alone, you'll easily lose control of where your going. You constantly need to re-adjust and try.

Aim isn't so great, and I check my Wii, it's working fine.

The actual game isn't really that engaging. The story only expresses itself in drips and drabs.

But...expressing that thought, when it does tell the story, what you understand slowly becomes more and more interesting.

But again, not enough to really be engaging to the gamer.

This game would be better suited as a Movie in my opinion.

All the nostalgia and shock of the Mickey Mouse franchise being perverse through Emo eyes can easily be summed up in a 2 hour movie.

I find it really unnecessary to sit through 15 hours of gameplay only to see 3 possible endings.

If I had a theory....the game is merely a means to reach out and excite Disney fans about the franchise all over again.

I mean...in one stage the place was literally filled with discarded Mickey Mouse merchandise, including old SNES game such as "Mickey's Magical Quest". A game I did enjoy when I was 10, only to see it half dissolved in acid.

That's kinda a slap to the face in my opinion. Cause that game was FAR better than Epic Mickey.


You want my opinion. Don't listen to Disney hype unless it comes from Pixar.

This game is only so-so.

RENT IT. Then return it the same day because I know hard-core gamers will be turned off by this.

The Wii is strictly for your Mario Galaxy & Super Smash.

Epic Mickey is just notches away from being an Epic Fail.

Disney doesn't care, cause this game is gonna make BANK for them.

I mean...I love my games where I analyze them for perfection!

Disney could've done ALLOT more and ALLOT better.

Sure, they really did a good job with the background art. But there are places where they are just being plain lazy.


Now if you want a REALLY good game to play this year...

Get Donkey Kong Country Returns!

You'll treasure it like you treasure a loved one.

I'd say it's dificulty rivals Super Meat Boy.

Look how much fun these guys are having!

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Epic Mickey isn't so Epic.

Posted by JakBaronKing - November 25th, 2010

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Any other good ones?

Link me a youtube vid.

Posted by JakBaronKing - November 16th, 2010

Well...obviously there are some mixed feelings and assumptions about 'what' PSI really is.

Well....here's a brief video explaining it.

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There are "SCIENTIFIC" studies about this and they are categorized and documented.

But whether or not it is true is an entirely different story.

But you can have fun developing these mental skills yourself with the simple practice exercises.

1. Telepathy - Mind Reading ability is enhanced by using a set of flash card with different symbols. Have an open-minded friend hold the flash cards in front of you (blank side obviously) and see if you can guess what your friend is seeing. Work your way from 5 symbols to 20 symbols.

2. Telekinesis - You can construct a tin-foil tent resting on a needle stuck on a pencil eraser. Make sure there is no cross breeze and don't breath on the foil. Use only your mental thinking to move the tin-foil clockwise or counter clock wise.

3. Perception & Awareness - The ability to perceive general vibes around you. This is often considered the most natural of the higher senses. Animals tend to express panic when a storm is coming and people tend to feel uneasy when a major catastrophe is about to occur. Now obviously allot of bad stuff happens in the world. So the BEST way to see or improve this ability is simply to be aware of your feelings. Then compare to the events that happen to you LOCALLY *like in the same office, not Nationally.

4. Mediumship - BE CAREFUL practicing with this one. There's been allot of horrific tall tales relating to the communication of the dead. Many say this is the devil's practice. I'd stay away from it but if it fancies you the most then you merely have to be near a grave or grave sight and use "Perception" to try to feel or hear the dead.


So far my favorite to practice is Telekinesis using this practice tool below.

Do you have/want Physic Powers?

Posted by JakBaronKing - November 12th, 2010

Basically I'm in bed with a head-cold so playing some games is a GREAT way to ease the suffering.

And I gotta say, these games are really fun. Since I haven't played them in a while.

I pulled out my old Wii that I had in storage when we were moving and decided to hook it up.

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This game was perfect in every way. Platforming was glitch-less, no problems what so ever.

The music score was fantastic. And each level was a thrill to play.

There's no story, this isn't a sequel to follow from the second game. Rather it's a story being told by Rosalina about events that probably never happened.

I enjoyed it the most.

Posted by JakBaronKing - November 1st, 2010

Recently, I got back into videogames and I got hooked on the newer Mario Games!

Well...so far I only played....

Mario Galaxy 1,2 (Wii)
Paper Mario (N64)
Mario Bros (NES)
and Super Mario World (SNES)

Tell me which games I should play and why.

(I love you Luigi) <3

Mario Game Addiction

Posted by JakBaronKing - October 31st, 2010

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Posted by JakBaronKing - October 27th, 2010


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MeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMe owMeowMeow

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Me-ow....Me-ow.....huf huf...Me-ow.....Me-ow

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Play the Game.

Or else

Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow !


Posted by JakBaronKing - October 22nd, 2010

Allot of you watched "Africa Dudes" on Newgrounds.

Many of you took offense, many of you understood the jokes, many of you laughed like retards because it was funny.

By my analysis...

Allot of the jokes are actually based off things you may have seen in "Black History" films or books.

This is the SERIOUS side of what Africa Dudes is based off of.
*The Flash's intention is not to express hate, but humor, and perhaps a realization to those who don't know what the hell has been going on in Africa.


You may have seen a Pepsi Bottle

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You may have seen a "Guerilla" terrorist

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All the characters sported very COOL masks.

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Cannibalism DOES exists still today in some parts of the world.

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Aids is a real problem in Africa.

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Basically what "Africa Dudes" flash expresses is a common day in Africa - but - as if dialogue is replaced by the common "20 year old" slacker attitude lingo.

With the exception to Sweeny Tod sing alongs!

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Good show Hans.

"REAL" Africa Dudes

Posted by JakBaronKing - October 18th, 2010

Mega64 would come pretty close.

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