About a year ago, my father...who was a cancer research doctor. Fell ill to cancer and died at the estimate time of 6 months with chemotherapy. His illness took a great toll on my life and happiness, as I cared for him for his remaining days....
*I mean....dude, I really can't imagine going through anything tougher in my life. He didn't make it easier, he obviously wasn't taking the reality well. Allot of emotional trauma etc.
He specifically died of Pancreatitis - a cancer relating to the pancreas that plays a major role in our dietary health.
It wasn't unforeseen however. I knew my father's eating habits. Large quantities of red meats, heavy cheeses, butter, excess caffeine and alcohol. My father rarely ate fruits and veggies on a regular basis. I constantly told him off about it, but he never really had any self-control.
There is a saying..."If we have any control in our lives, then we should strive for longevity and humanity to the extent that we have." I forgot who said that but it was someone important.
Anyhoo, a few cultures, and maybe a few doctors know now the truth behind curing our cancer. That's right....I said "CURING" your Cancer. It's a long shot, but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained right?
Cultures that do not eat processed foods are less likely to have dental problems or cancers even without dental care or doctors.
It's all about diet & lifestyle.
But hey, we are people of culture and food! We enjoy what we eat! And I encourage that too. But if it comes to the point of excess, then you should consider eating something more and something less.
You must stick to your culture. My culture of healthy diet is Okinawa diet, since I am half Okinawan. I'm like crazy dude, I drink Bittermelon smoothies occasionally. But I still enjoy local manufactured sweets, but most of them use natural sugars so it's better than other companies.
But rather than getting too complicated and researching diets and stuff.
Just keep it simple.
* ie: burgers + sodas
*specifically red meat, chicken is okay if prepared properly, fish is okay if mercury levels are low enough.
*Avoid stress and seek healthy environments.
6. Laugh, Love, and Play.
*Be with friends...be with family.....or simply just seek happiness within yourself.
You need to do your own research of what you consider to be healthy.
How you feel will greatly measure the amount of health & wellbeing you possess.
Don't be discouraged if there is a right way or a wrong way.
The fact is your trying to live better.
Your gonna die anyway, so at least live a little, but also understand you have a responsibility to yourself and others if you have.
It's what you build and what you give that really matters.
If you pray to God.... pray to God. But think about your prayers.
I'm not confident about any real methods of health.
But.......I would recommend a few good books and cultures to research.
Look up....
"Dr. Gerson"
*Questionable Doctor, but interesting to learn about.
"Okinawan Diet"
*Which basically consists of fruits and veggies.
"Blueberries, Bittermelon, Almonds"
*Three superfoods I enjoy to eat often.
"The Beautiful Truth Documentary"
*It's rather mind boggling what they talk about.
"Super Size Me Documentary"
*Fast food is never good for you. It's main purpose is profit.
"Blendtech Blenders"
*Best Investment for drinking whole fruits and veggies without sacrificing any valuable fiber unlike juicers.
A year has passed and I feel better about my situation. I am quite happy now. Not because of God, not because the trails and tribulations are over...but because I've survived and learned from the experience.
All previous dramas in my life now seem like child's tantrums. And I am more mature and knowledgeable than I have ever been before.
Merry Christmas and I hope you learn from my experience.
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Okay enough emotional shit. Let's PARTY!
Merry Christmas!