"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

Joined on 9/27/07

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JakBaronKing's News

Posted by JakBaronKing - March 11th, 2011


Posted by JakBaronKing - February 26th, 2011

I played the FIRST one all the way through.

I was such a goodie two-shoes.

I had no idea being a good guy made you look so......Fabio-ish.

Still, it sucked that it had no replay value.

I think I'll play the second one sometime later.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 23rd, 2011

Apparently on some unknown channel station that probably only gets accessed in some parts of America is the TV station known as HUB which dedicates itself to broadcasting many shows from HASBRO toys.

You guessed it.

That means "My Little Pony, Transformers, and GIjoe".

Sure...those shows were pretty lame back then in the 80's from a modern kid's point of view.

But despite the origins, it has evolved into some of the most impressive forms of both 3D animation and Flash that I have seen in a long time.

I mean...come on. This is kinda lame.

BUT NOW....because of well....basic anime inspiration, impressive voice acting, and an non-convoluted story, the newer series that first premiered just last year shows promise to the enjoyment of those who enjoyed the show back then as well as the modern youth.

I mean...just look as how smooth the animation is in Flash format.
Johnny Test needs a graphic upgrade seriously.
Flash has many advantages in animation but it's obvious when most cartoons are on a budget.

This show obviously took some time to develop the graphics.

FYI - That's Tarra Strong.

And apparently Lauren Fraust worked on allot of PPG stuff back then.

But getting back to Hasbro, they also released "Transformers Prime" which follows a similar story setting as back then in the 80's but with MUCH BETTER 3D animation you remembered from "Beast Wars".

AND They are still using Peter Cullen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even the Intro is BAD ASS. Sounds just like the 80's version.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 16th, 2011

It's easy, but I don't know my programs that well.

I was told "Sketchbook Pro" is the way to go for comic artists.

It's really fluid and neat.

But I'll need to practice more.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 14th, 2011

I often don't think of birthdays as a means of getting older or getting presents.

I like to think of them as a way of setting goals.

Starting today I'm gonna be even MORE productive in art, animation, and music.

So far I got myself a new Wacom Tablet, an Xbox Slim w/ a couple of games, and some shirts from my family and friends.

*The tablet I got from Tom a couple of years ago was nice.
But this new one I got is far easier to use.

Not a bad time to be turning 24.


update: I finished watching "Robocop" for the first time.

Two words sums it up..........

Poetic Justice.

update: I snagged myself a copy of Marvel Vs Capcom 3!

I got to say I'm better at this game than I thought!

The random xbox live server really knows how to pair you up with other players who would match your skills nearly evenly.

And you don't even have to wait around. You can play Arcade mode while allowing others to challenge you randomly on the fly!

Favorite Combo: Ryu, Wolverine, Felicia - "Team Paws & Claws!"

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 8th, 2011

Not literally, I don't actually do ANY drugs of any kind. Including Weed. But GOD I love Hemp Soap. It's so much better for the skin.

Anything or any action used out of willful control could be considered a drug and therefore be a substance/action abuse. Many of these actions are usually harmless to others, but they are damaging to oneself.

That includes...

-Alcoholism which could develop into a damaged body and a lack of self control towards others.
-Video Games Addiction which could develop into a variety of poor health condition.
-Pornography Addiction which could develop into Paraphillia which may or may not arise into more harmful situations to others or oneself.

These are to just name a few.

Keep in mind of your actions basically.

---But back to the Weed---

Illegal Weed is bad for Crime and Tax Payer's Dollars

But during the whole Drug Bust of the 80's. Weed has been a product of gangsters to fund their dark business.

After 9/11 George Bush declared that all druggies were supporting terrorism funding and even went so far as to arrest Tommy Chong for selling Bongs over the internet. But why Weed? Why not those gangsters who notoriously sell worse drugs such as Meth? No...he went for the Stoner because he was easier to apprehend.
-This isn't an entirely accurate statement but it is the basic gist of the Tommy Chong documentary.

Illegal Weed is bad for the environment, our economy, and our planet.

"William Randolph Hearst ran a smear champain during the 1930's to protect his interest in the timber industry." - Brian Griffen of Family Guy.

This is a TRUE fact.

Hemp as a material is so much better for the environment as it grows faster, doesn't take allot of room, and yields more than lumber in terms of paper.

Hemp makes better paper, better shampoos, better soaps, better clothes.

So far, only a few companies have special government permission to manufacture non-narcotic Hemp strictly for material use. I wish to see more companies and people depend on Hemp for their every day products so we may promote this material to it's fullest economic productivity.


If we can avoid cutting down trees in the rainforest, we can save our planet's valuable O-zone layer. Our dependency on foreign fuel will be reduced as a result of lack of lumber shipping, and the world as a whole would be a much better place.

Because fuck man....Weed is probably the most harmless drug out there. In countries that legalize it prove lower rates in crime and higher rates in productivity because people are so well rested.

The Bad Things about Weed. -But not as bad as you think.

However like all smoking, it is bad for your lungs. Therefore I suggest if you DO use Weed legally in your country, I would suggest the water vaporizer method.

Weed can cause over-eating. Allot of overeating. ALLOT OF OVEREATING.

The abuse by over use of any narcotic could permanently alter your sense of reality. Making you literally a Dope.

But Weed is still Good.

However if used responsibility, Weed could very well stop your next suicide or murder attempt. Help you get a good night sleep. Help physically weak patients with lack of appetites. Lower crime rate to almost ZERO. And to bring back the worlds' economy and reduce the abuse of our planets resources that encourage clean air.

I encourage Weed to be used for medicinal purposes.
I encourage Weed to be used for material purposes.
I encourage Weed to be used to promote economical growth.
I encourage Weed to be used to lower crime rates.
I encourage Weed to be used to regain our O-Zone.

Listen to my favorite song from Family Guy. I'm sure many of you are familiar with it.

Favorite Weed Related Art by : Jaxxy

BTW-that IS a maple leaf.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 2nd, 2011

It's considered an instrument of peace and happiness.

I've have some experience playing this four string acoustic.

Believe it or not, they sell these at Costco at Hawaii.

I had a rewards check, so I figured why not.

My ambition is to play like this someday.

But so far....I sound more like this.


PS-Donate to help our Aussie Brothers and Sisters in their time of need.
Jazza's Organizing a Donation Bowl

Posted by JakBaronKing - January 27th, 2011

I know most of you are suffering from unusually colder winds this season.

And I'm SO sorry for my friends in Canada when I write this blog.

Living in the Pacific has it's advantages for weather. But if you can't take the heat, you 'gotta' stay cool.

And air conditioning can be EXPENSIVE!!!! Averaging from $100-$500 a month in electricity bills.

So to my friends in the Pacific and in Australia....

Try making your own "PERSONAL AIR CONDITIONER"

*Sometimes called a "Red-Neck Air Con"


*DISCLAIMER: It is important you are of appropriate age to use power tools and are experienced in using them. Always wear protection and be safe. This is not an initial design to follow, you are free to design your own way. AGAIN - This project is meant for experienced tool users. Keep in mind that the final product will require that you put frozen bottles of water or bags of Ice Pack Gels. NEVER USE STRAIGHT ICE, ice can melt and cause a risk of electrical shock. But since this is a home-made project, electrical risk are still probable. Take precaution and make sure you've covered all angles and safety regulations to prevent accidents.


There are MANY ways to create this but initially you need to follow a basic formula.


-A waterproof container w/ a flat, smooth lid *(preferably 5-10 gallons, such as a styrofoam ice box or plastic bin.)

-A small desk fan *(usually small & only about 12 volts, be sure the cover and handle can come off.)

-Curved, and Male Adaptor PVC plastic tubes *(as many as you think you'll need, you can even settle for one large one.)

-Molding tape *(you need soft adhesive so you can insulate the fan.)

-Food Safe Silicon *(usually these are used for aquariums, this is for the PVC pipes.)

Optional Cooling Units for inside your waterproof container.

-Frozen Bottles of Water *Such as '32 oz. Gatorade Bottles'.

-Ice Pack Gels *Such as 'Koolit'

-Water Filled Ice Packs *Such as 'Rubbermaid'.

(NEVER USE STRAIGHT ICE - it is a risk of electrical shock when it melts.)


-A "Rotary Tool" w/ cutters and grinder attachment.

-A sheet of "smooth" sanding paper.

-A circle template or a small plastic plate. *Make sure it is large or small enough to encircle the diameter of the fan with a bit of space to spare.

-A washable marking pen.

Protection Equipment:

-Eye Protection Goggles.

-Paint Mask to reduce inhalants.

-Gloves if necessary.


STEPS - Make sure you're wearing your protective gear and use all tools to their specific regulation and purposes.

1. Working on a safe work surface, remove your lid from the container.

2. Using your circle template or plastic plate, mark a circle with your pen on the lid's surface, making sure there is enough room for your PVC pipes.
*I put mine in the center, but others sometimes put theirs on the farthest side.

3. With your 'Male Adaptor' PVC pipe, mark a circle with your pen.
*Sometimes you can use an large one at the side of your lid, where as others simply cut a hole on the side of the plastic container.

4. Using your Rotary Tool "cuter" attachment, cut a semi accurate hole in each of your markings. Do not go over the line.

5. Using your Rotary Tool "grinder" attachment, scrap away the extra plastic or styrofoam.

6. Once each hold is closer to the marking, use your sand paper to smooth out the ends by hand.

7. With your 'Food Safe Silicon Tube' carefully squeeze a thick layer around the hold for your PVC pipes. Put some around your 'Male Adaptor' PVC pipe end as well.

8. Insert the PVC pipes into your desired hole.

9. While the PVC pipes dries, you can re-attach the lid onto your container.

10. Remove the top cover of your small desk fan as well as the clip-on attachment. *Leaving only the motor and back grill of the fan.

11. Using your 'Molding Tape', encircle the hold you intend to put your fan over. Some people are able to use one long sheet.

12. Place your 'Fan' onto the adhesive circle, adjusting so your fan's diameter fits within the empty space with room to spare.

13. Using the rest of your 'Molding Tape', encircle the back grill of the 'Fan'.

At this point, you're pretty much done. All you have to do is wait for the Silicon to dry and fill the container with your Cooling Units.


Personal AC Tips & Advantages:

-Make sure your bottles or bags are low enough so that it doesn't touch the spinning fan. Giving yourself a good 3" inches of extra space is sufficient enough.

-You can store drinks and it doubles as a cooler for food.

-You can drink the water after it melts from your bottles.

-The advantage of having a smaller container means more force of exhausted air comes out of the PVC pipes. However you cannot store as many Cooling Units if you do. Likewise if you use too large of a container, the exhaust is too low. 5-10 gallons is the idea size for your container.

-Place the Personal AC under your desk for cool feet and near reach for your drinks and sweets!


Hope you guys find this little project insightful. It REALLY saves money and it really works!

*This one is mine. It took about 30 minutes to make.

Make your own PERSONAL AC, cheep & without heat exhaust.

Posted by JakBaronKing - January 16th, 2011

With the world's population reaching a WHOPPING 7 BILLION PEOPLE.

Let's just say food will soon be scarcer and scarcer.

Economics believe even "rice" will be considered a gourmet delicacy to enjoy eating with food.

Now imagine how many cows and chicken it takes feed just one city.

How about a state?

How about a country?

With the need of land in need for cattle, chicken, fish farms, and so forth; countries such as Australia, China, and Brazil can only do so much to provide the world with enough meat to nourish our bodies.

However....there is another source of protein that the United States has yet to embrace as a major food source.


/* */
Oh and I know...it seems revolting right?

Well...according to most nutritionists; a pound of crickets is equivalent to a pound of beef in protein levels.

However the production of raising and harvesting crickets is FAR CHEEPER and CLEANER than raising cattle.

Now...allot of countries like to also enjoy eating cockroaches, and scorpions....but I would only recommend eating those if they are raised from "clean" sources. It takes several generations to separate any potential diseases residing in cockroaches.

But insects such as Crickets are considered "clean" insects to eat, and are even approved in Christian and Jewish religion.

Deep fried & sautéed is considered the best method. It's basically like eating small, crunchy shrimp.

With all the over eating of meat....even FISH is almost gone.

Looks like we'll have to eat....Ugh.....Bug SUSHI!

Bugs are the new Beef

Posted by JakBaronKing - January 9th, 2011

Buddha - born 500 years before Jesus.

Whatever religion you believe in or not. There is one person who came SO CLOSE to the answers of the universe.

I would highly recommend studying about this amazing man.


Quick tips below - so you don't go all crazy and read up on his history or anything. You can apply any Buddhist advice to practically any lifestyle or religion.

Just take these advice into consideration whenever you feel upset, frightened, or angry.

/* */
Try this though, listen to this while you read....

Things to keep in mind:
Meditate upon things, the answer will come.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Be patient.
Be compassionate.
Be mindful.

Four Nobel Truths:
1. Suffering always exists
2. There is suffering we always cause
3. But suffering can be stopped
4. Seek your "path"

The Main Cause of Suffering

The Ten Non-Virtuous Actions of Humanity:
(Destruction of the Body)
Sexual Abuse

(Destruction of the Voice)
Divisive Speech
Hurtful Words
Rumors & Gossiping

(Destruction of the Mind)
Selfish Desires
Negative Thoughts
Ill and Harmful ideas and curses

One must ALWAYS contemplate their thoughts, their actions, and miss-deeds.:
Seek to rectify all your misdeeds, both intentional and unintentional.

The Path To Enlightenment & Salvation of Oneself:
Everyone's path is unique and different. There is no set path to enlightenment. You must take what you learn in life to the best of your abilities and not worry if you are doing it right.

The fact is simply this....you seek enlightenment and salvation. And what you seek you may one day find.


Buddha's Quotes: His actual words

"Wisdom arises through EFFORT....and wisdom disappears through lack of effort; knowing this twofold path of growth and decline, one should arrange oneself such that wisdom increases."

"It is easy to see the faults of others, hard to see one's own. One sifts the faults of others like chaff, but covers up one's own, as a crafty cheater covers up a losing throw."

"Just as rust eats away the iron from which it is produced, so do their own deeds lead the overindulgent into a miserable state".

"The wise who control body, speech, and mind are indeed the consummately controlled"

"Overcome anger by non-anger; overcome evil by good; overcome the miser by giving; overcome the liar by truth."

"Do not say anything harsh; what you have said will be said back at you. Angry talk is painful; and retaliation will get you."

"For those who are always courteous and respectful; four things will increase: life, beauty, happiness and strength."

"Although you can conquer millions in battle; the man who conquers himself alone is the highest victor."

"Cherish: for the existence of ourselves is as transient as autumn clouds. To watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movement of a wonderful dance. A lifetime is like a brilliant flash of lightning in the sky."


I swear to God man....I think Buddha and Jesus were like buddies or something. Their advice is so parallel.

The Man Before Jesus