Madness Hydraulic is the third flash of Tom Fulp's and Mindchambers dedication to Madness Day.
NOTE: It is fun and a bit of a challenge if you don't know how to play. But if you are using this strategy guide...If you follow this play exactly, the game play becomes machine like and monotonous. Mix it up a little when playing. The key is to have fun. Use this only if your desperate to win.
Surely this game is quite a challenge to those who are unfamiliar with Madness game play.
But for those of you still finding it hard to reach that level 40 are a few tips.
Things you MUST have.
1. Health at least at 35.
-This is necessary but only till the remaining LAST LEVELS.
-You should be able to earn enough in one round to easily raise it up.
2. Speed up to $125.
-Speed isn't as important but it is necessary to walk across the bottom floor.
-However it is virtually useless when the Hydraulic stages become more intense.
-So don't level it up TOO much.
3. "Two Bottom Turrets Maxed OUT."
-(You may choose to have the extra 4 turrets if you desire but only till level 1)
-What the turrets mainly do is indicate "where" the enemies are coming from.
-They are not meant to assist you until they get to the bottom floor level.
-The bottom two turrets maxed out will give you extra insurance for survival.
4. At least a 3rd extra jump.
-Like in the previous games, Hank's jumping is SLOW. So don't depend on it.
-Use it only to jump over the bullets and land back down.
-Hovering in the air will make you vulnerable to diagonal attacks.
-Only the ending stages with INTENSE HYDRAULIC is it necessary to double jump.
-You only need a few jumps to stay hovering when you don't have a "WEAPON OF CHOICE".
After all the necessary things are taken care of...
-The general idea is to stay grounded.
-If you stay in between your two main Maxed Turrets, your chances of survival are heightened.
-However you'll still need to have the RIGHT weapon.
-Simply blast your enemies as they are descending towards either the left or right turret.
-Shoot back and forth to make the best use of your ammo.
-You'll still need to jump over bullets so keep an eye out for them.
-Don't use your double jump as it'll make you vulnerable to diagonal attacks.
-In the event you are weaponless, use your kicking ability.
-Your kicking ability will disable an enemy
-You can use it repeatedly for extra damage.
(The right weapon will make or break you.)
BEST WEAPONS OF CHOICE (in listing order)
-It has kick and the remaining bullets fly past and hit other enemies.
-Keep this one at all times if you can and walk over any extra ammo.
-Stay Grounded and fire either left or right into your Maxed Turrets.
-Be consistent, don't waste your bullets unless you have to.
Flame Thrower (For Hydraulic stages)
-Using your 3rd Jump gives you that extra omph.
-It is meant to hover and damage enemies.
-But your still vulnerable to diagonal attacks so hopefully your health level is 35.
-Grenade Launchers can be used like the Flame Thrower but it has low ammo.
Desert Eagle (If you don't have the Shotgun)
-Good but use it up and switch.
-It has good kick but low ammo.
Basic Machine Gun / Heavy Machine Gun
-It is virtually pointless as it only hits the enemy in front.
-This is a problem because it doesn't knock an enemy down.
-Meaning an enemy behind can still shoot you.
-If you have it, Swap it right away!
-When you see the Clown, wait until he gets a little closer to you in the center stage.
-Then Blast Him
-Switch your weapon with his and EMPTY IT.
-Switch back to your own weapon before it disappears.
-You may still use your basic strategy of blasting left and right.
-But in the event you run out of your Shotgun ammo, find a FLAME THROWER.
-Flame Throwers act as a hover device and you'll not be affected by the intense hydraulics.
-Grenade Launchers work too but they are low in ammo.
-If you have no weapon, take advantage of your powerful KICKS!
-Immediately switch back to a Shotgun if you can find one at the end of the stage.
-The enemies are UBER Tough.
-So as long as you met the requirements above...
-Okay...essentially the easiest way is to play this game entirely though with the shot-gun.
-Collect ammo and you'll soon have well over 300 rounds.
-But you'll probably use them all up by the time you reach the Zombie levels.
-So be consistent with your bullets.
-Then use the weapon of choice list to make your decisions when attacking enemies.
-As long as you stay grounded and wail on enemies as they are coming, you should be fine.
-However....your upgrade choices will affect the outcome.
Since your "jump" and "speed" are virtually must CONTINUALLY upgrade your "attack power" to it's max.
Make sure after your Attack Power is Maxed you constantly upgrade your health BEFORE you heal.
Make sure you have enough money to heal 100% before the start of each round.
Try to play the game straight. That way you can still keep your Shot Gun ammo.
I hop this info helps.
I'm not sure if there is a special reward to playing further past level 40...
But with this strategy, your sure to go far!