"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

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JakBaronKing's News

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 22nd, 2012

A part of me feel very VERY much doubt.

It almost seems like the only thing that touches my heart is artwork.

And it can move me in a variety of different ways.

From heartwarming feelings, to shock and awe, to sadness and self-loathing.

But...with so much going on its hard to really get a grasp on one's own surroundings.

You eat an apple and start to think of how someone else doesn't have an apple.

You think of how much of a chore it is to clean a shower but then you realize others don't have clean water.

You find yourself playing games and getting no enjoyment out of it.

Thats right...I'm not getting enjoyment from games as much anymore.

Something in my life doesn't feel....meaningful.

My sympathies go out to everyone who has been hurt.

Who suffer atrocities and injustices beyond that I cannot even comprehend.

And yet, the reality is....there isn't much that can be done about it.

But I am hopeful.

Perhaps I am dead wrong and I'm just feeling overwhelmed.

I can't keep thinking like that....I have to remain hopeful. That altruism and love will prevail.

For as large as the extent is for cruelty...so is the extent for kindness.

A good friend of mine once told me....

"Knowing and being aware is a burden and a gift. It can make your eyes feel like oceans and your chest, a raging sea. And as your chest weights down your eyes well up, until you can't bear to breath."

Even if we were to leave the chaos and explore someplace nicer...my thoughts will still go back to those who are still hating, hurting, and suffering.

I just want...ugh...sometimes I just wish we could just 'will' things of our desire.

But wouldn't that create more chaos? If people could just do what they want just because they want to?

Must we abide by the laws of physics and human societies and instincts forever?

Or will we grow beyond that eventually?

And self-expression through artwork could extend in a variety of different forms.

Just....stare off into space some more.....clear my head.

Damn it's windy tonight.

Sometimes I'll just listen to this for a good twenty minutes on a loop.

Will we ever achieve world peace?

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 21st, 2012

Buy yourself or for someone you care about...a "Spirit Shirt". The first shirt is centered around the ROOT Chakura. Red. 7 more to follow.

It actually has powered crystals in it.

However, it costs $75 dollars. But considering the cost of Organic Bamboo fabric and the Crystals themselves...I guess it averages out. They claim to be non-profit.

Thats still a bit pricy for a shirt.
*You could probably be more charitable to yourself or anyone else in other ways with $75.
It could buy you a week's worth of groceries. Or medicine for an elderly or child.

There 'IS' some potential truths to crystals. Magic & Scientific uses.
*Look up the uses of crystals in modern technology and it's reflection in myths, legends, and even the BIBLE!

And when water freezes, it is essentially a crystal. It is Ice. Minerals form into crystal shapes dependent on various variables.

And since most organic beings are over 60% water, simply a change in attitude will change you dramatically according to Dr. Emoto.

((BUT.....I would like to be clear....YOU DON'T NEED THIS SHIRT to be spiritually aware, happier, kinder, or charitable.))

You simply need to look within yourself.

I'm only getting this shirt mainly because 'Damn! Crystals in the actual shirt!'
I've personally used crystals to decorate my room and I gotta say, it feels good.
And I've been drinking water soaked with crystals.
It could all just be a placebo effect.
But it's a damn good placebo effect.

If we ourselves are water, then we can form our own spirits within ourselves.

*I would only get this if you really want one and have some extra cash to spend AFTER you've been charitable this holiday.


Doctor Emoto also did the same thing with rice.

Many people have tried his experiment and online have shared similar results.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 21st, 2012

*For starters, I would like to thank everyone who has read or even looked at my blogs. I do not believe in the destruction of the planet during 2012. And if you read my blogs you would've known that, rather I am 'hopeful' that people will grow up from their personal melodramas and look towards altruism and love.

Though the 'End of the World' is still a possibility.

In fact, the US government has actually invested in a plan in case of a Zombie Break-Out.

We have been living in more chaos than ever before. And those who do not think so, are very VERY oblivious to the events that have been occurring to us. Or you are simply complacent with it and do not care.

Kinda like an ostrich sticking its head in the sand. *(Ignoring)
A turtle sleeping in its shell. *(unaware)
Or a mouse making a home in a wheel of swiss-cheese. Eating it's safety from inside and out. Till it becomes weakened and collapses. *(Complacent)

My point is...we need to start being Generous NOW. more than ever before.

If Atrology is to be taken into consideration. We are in the age of Aquarius. The spirit of 'generosity' and 'ever giving life.'

And what better time to be generous than during the Holidays.

And forget about all that religion biasses and 'war on christmas' bull. It doesn't matter the holiday.
All that matters is the heart.

"The Religion of the Future will be a cosmic religion, it should transcend personal theology and dogma."
-Albert Einstein

It is in the Buddha nature to not be so concerned with the accuracy of theology.
But rather to go with your heart and individual sense of morality and personal responsibility.

Now is the time to be selfless and generous. There is SO MANY that is IN NEED of money, food, water, etc. BASIC STUFF FOR SURVIVAL. The United States is such a country where many 'count how many calories NOT to eat' vs countries that need to eat ANYTHING they can find.

Start within your family. Then community. Then cities. Then the world.

I encourage you to share love and not hate.

We can all find happiness if we all try.

Consider how your hardship is compared to others. And how much easier you could someone's life if you helped, donated, or offered time, food, money, etc. Offer whatever you can whenever you can.

Imagine what we could achieve in the future....

And what about 50 YEARS in the future.

But anything you want is in reach.

And if I had my choice...I would be like "Doctor Who"

True perfection isn't absolute. It is ever changing and growing, learning and evolving. There is no pinnacle. Just something new and different.

ANYTHING YOU WANT IS IN REACH. For yourself, or for others.
You simply have to be proactive towards it.

"There must be no regrets, no tears and no anxieties Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine. Which is believing in you."
-Doctor Who

Good luck to all those who believe in Hope, Altruism, Love, and Peace.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 20th, 2012

Count-Down link

From my observation, an appocolypse is brought upon by the self of society.

When chaos occurs, and it occurs at random, not by predictions persay, but when chaos comes, people react differently.

Some will become savage monsters and kill others for scraps of food or drops of water.

Others begin to sustain their grief by engaging in crimes of debauchery and inhibitions.

They steal, rape, and murder at an appauling level.

But then there is the flip side. Others want to help, rebuild, and restructure.

An apocalyptic mindset will always be self-destructive and selfish.

But let us not be complacent with the condition of our world.

This planet, this universe is our home.

We should try to fix it.

Let us not be self-absorbed in trivial matters and melodrama.

You have to always believe in hope, altruism, peace, and love.

No matter what happens, prophecy or no prophecy.

There are those who do try their best.

But I don't think it's enough...yet.

Please....be the change that moves all life towards a better place of happiness, love, and prosperity.

Let us do away with selfishness, anger, hate, intolerance, misunderstanding, fear, and anguish.
Hope.......Altruism......Peace......and Love.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 19th, 2012

"Knowing and being aware is a burden and a gift. It can make your eyes feel like oceans and your chest, a raging sea. And as your chest weights down your eyes well up, until you can't bear to breath."
-A good friend.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 17th, 2012

Fuck writing this one really drained me emotionally. Though these people are suffering much worse.

Don't be silent about stuff like this.

The worst thing ever.

But our trafficking doesn't just exist within the harshness of 'forceful' slavery.

It is equally deceitful when our own 'economy' enslaves us and we are willing to it.

We are not quite free.

We have more freedom but we still have a 'hold' on things.

And we shouldn't hold anyone else against their will.

That's pure evil.

But for our 'willing hold' on 'things'....then we will never be free.

Don't worry too much though. However, if you see such forms of injustice, it is your responsibility to do as much as you can to stop and help others.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 17th, 2012

Try and control your anger.

Cynical criticism will not stop a person from doing the things that irritate you.

And hateful outbursts will only hurt your self, or make you look really foolish.

We can all benefit from a peaceful mind.

Not even a God has the right to be angry.

If your God or Church tells you to murder or find justification in your actions that encourages intolerance and violence. I would suggest finding a different religion or sect.

There is ALWAYS a better way to express yourself.

At the purest of your heart, even if your cynical manners do not physically 'hurt' anyone. It builds up.

Anger escalates into even worst forms of actions. Your actions begin to feel....'justified'.

And victims fair no better.

But...what happens when we start to realize our actions and be understanding of others?

It's not easy to forgive. Especially when things are really really fucked up. And your mind and body has been pushed.

But for the little stuff. Don't make things worst.

Don't seek revenge, seek understanding, expression, and authority to resolve.

Golden Rule Man.

It has existed through-out time.

We simply have to choose to acknowledge it.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 16th, 2012




Posted by JakBaronKing - December 15th, 2012

My favorite physicist.

Such a fucking genius!

Watch his stuff.

Posted by JakBaronKing - December 15th, 2012

China built a Star Gate?