Pretty Good Dog
With a bit of clean up and a bit longer, this could be one of many masterpieces. Make some variations of this and see what you can accomplish. Remember your only as well accomplished as you are "not" lazy.
Pretty Good Dog
With a bit of clean up and a bit longer, this could be one of many masterpieces. Make some variations of this and see what you can accomplish. Remember your only as well accomplished as you are "not" lazy.
Dog that was great! I listened to the whole thing!
It has it's repetetion only with more build up every 15 seconds. It's just right. But if you want to make this should listen to it again and make various variation copies. I'm sure you can make a single Masterpiece.
I wonder what you were thinking...It sure sounds dark and scary. Like Egyptians dancing with Anubus....or Dark Shawody Figures about to sacrafice an innocent.
Good Job-Perfect for upcomming Halloween!
I hope your still not pissed. Remember, Anger can block judgement and make us do things we can regret doing, and we can only blam ourselves for those actions because of our anger.
however, there is a way to diverge these unforseen distracting us with a hobby. And it seems your hobby is music. Good be surprised what bad thing can be turned into a good thing.
Thanks for the tips and good advice. I'll try not to let anger make me do something I'll regret ;)
In the mean time, I'll keep at my music and try making the next mix even better!
Thanks for the review!
Dude! For being drunk that was not bad!
Though I wouldn't reccomend being drunk for alll your music writing. It was pretty good. It totally put me in a trance. But I think you should mix it up a little...see what you can do with it. And this time, try it without being drunk! Clear head...for clear listening. You know.
Good luck DOg. was okey...
It sort of repeats itself. That's what I wasn't very impress by. If you mix it up a little you will get higher scores. Techno has repetition, but that only part of it. You must keep the beat, but add on to the beat. Like 10 different kinds of beats if you want to be a master!
Good luck Dog. It was okay...but I think you can do better! :D-keep it up DOG!
Sounds very peaceful in a electronic sort of way
But I feel it can go in seperate directions. One should stick to the styles of piano, the other more electronic. But then again, it sounds pretty good by itself. It reminds me of a sort of Electronic Version of Animal Crossing. You if Animal Crossing had more Robots than animals.
Just a thought!
This sounds like Real Good Metal!
But it needs just a bit of clean up! Keep up the Good work...with enough cleaning up and you should play this live!
I WOULD play this live if it wasn't just me alone :P
Remind me of Indians running with wolves in forest
Neds to be a bit longer. With more drums, and maybe a flute! See what you can do! I look forward to your work.
It does sound good...except for that boing boing.
That boing boing sound kinda interfears with the rest of the ensamble. But the rest is quite pleasant. That boing boing sound is kinda annoying to be honest.
Good job but please consider what I've written.
Allright I'll keep it in mind...
yes by all means...make this flower blossem!
I would love to see at least a 6 minute classical piece.
You've got tallent! Compose some more you composer of youth! You've got tallent kid...use it!
Thanks haha.. i know this is kinda short.. but i have no time to work now.. ill make a larger version!
Not bad for your first techno side
It put me in a sort of track for a while, but repetive tunes don't make techno. it's the sounds. and Good techno knows how to ballance those sounds...listen to the Beastie boys...their sounds go everywhere, yet is sounds amazing. Gorillaz does the same thing on their techno tracks. Your not bad...your not bad at all...keep it up Dog.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 37, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07