Somehow it seems like it lacking something...
I'm not too sure what it is...but even though it all sounds good...I somehow think that it's missing something.
I'm not too sure what....
But not bad for a loop.
Somehow it seems like it lacking something...
I'm not too sure what it is...but even though it all sounds good...I somehow think that it's missing something.
I'm not too sure what....
But not bad for a loop.
Well...if you don't know what's missing...then I don't know it either. XD
Thanks for checking!
Sounds like something good for a Sub Flash Battle.
Ever remember that one computer game for teaching you algebra using a submarine? If you know someone who would create an adventure game based on subs...and used your music...that would be awesome.
I haven't heard of the game, but it sounds cool (for a learning game :P).
I would love to have my music featured in a sub game!
Thanks for the review!
what a unique combination of cultures
It's sounds somewhat Middle Eastern...with Turkish Guitars...Japanese fluties...and Mauruie Dance Chant.
I am impressed that you are able to thing of a way to mix cultures together.
It kinda reminds me of Samurai Jack music.
The flute in this piece is actually one of Turkish descent, called the Ney Flute. Though I agree it has many similar qualities of the oriental Dizi flute at the high register end. There is an Erhu violin at the last half of the quiet segment, which I believe is Japanese descent, though I could be wrong.
Thank you for your words, and the review, i'm glad you liked it!
I also loved Samura Jack :D!
This should be a commercial.
This would be such an awsome Commercial if you submitted to the company and made a proposal.
Hehe! That is an interesting idea. The question is for what? For an addiction program or for WoW? Please, play our game and lose your family :)
Would make a good cell phone ring tone
Good for Techno Rave fans and those who are into 8-bit video games.
The Perfect Ring tone for Gamers or Emo Gamers (no offense I just get that impression)
Yeah, everyone put in on your phone!
er, why Emo Gamers?
but what exactually are you trying to aim for....
This song is very ambient yet upbeatish...I could get lost in a trance and still feel like I'm being active.
I don't know if anything needs to be changed...cause it just sounds like a good piece...although after listening to it 3 times .... I notice that after 50 seconds it starts to sound like a video game.
But not deserves my five and 10.
If you want to work at it some more your free to do'll never know what you might dig up.
Music is like a sculpture of clay that never your freedom to constantly improve or down grade the quaity of it...Music is eternal....just as long as you never let it die.
Thanks. ^^
The last few sentences i will remember for a long time :)
Found a few things wrong...but who cares!!!!
The xylophone needs to go...
The organ needs to go...
The Guitar needs some work after about 30 seconds and 45 seconds
The group singing is off key
What's up with the silent sounds around 2 minutes. I know what your trying to go for but its too soft.
AWSOME LYRICS! and good for the lead singing well
(put the lyrics on the page)
*If your a band...remember...your more than just friends....your a family...the most successful bands get along with eachother and will understand eachother if you need to let some guys go...
My Opinion....
Best song I've listened to at first click...It's an honor to be the first to Review this!
-Jak Baron King (aka King of the Barons)
thanks dude!
i guess i neglected to mention that the four of us ARE seriously a family, we hang out every day! btw here are the members:
Damian Parkerson: Vocals, Keyboards(for this song)
EO(me): All Guitars, Mixing and Mastering
Eli Brown: Bass
Antoine Phillips: Drums, Percussion, etc.
thanks again for the review and the critisism!
Kinda goes everywhere...
but it does have that chillin even sounds a bit latino at the beginning.
You've got something...but a sculpture made out of claw can only get better if you work before it drys....
Fortunately for you...Music never gets dry
That's beautiful.
Really, it is...
Not Bad
I find that its very difficult to make one's voice THAT low...
One would have to have a voice that has broken from exhaustion of constant screaming and singing metal.
That's what makes Dethklok such a great animated Band next to the Gorillaz...both I appreciate.
heh thats cool. Hail Satan
Very Emo ish
although I don't appreciate being called a "fucker"
Still it does capture a deep sense of depression...some lyrics will only add to the pain.
stay happy ^^
Thanks for the review.
There definitely was some feeling put into the making of this. But bring the pain, means basically...
"Just Bring It, motherfucker....I'll take you on!" type thing.
Anyways, thanks again\m/
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07