"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

Joined on 9/27/07

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JakBaronKing's News

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 27th, 2014

Happy B-Day Tom Fulp!

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 6th, 2014

I already beat the game.

Dragons' Dogma is still better overall.

Sure I can play off-line mode. But I've had my fill of Dark Souls 2.

Leave it for the trolls who hack.

Have fun you other guys.

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 3rd, 2014

Only this time as a Deprived Class. 

It ain't no fucks given!

Knowing the logic that all stats actually compliment eachother, being the Deprived may make your first half of the game a living Hell. But you eventually become one of the most powerful classes in the game!

I hate how in PVP players only spam magic. Good thing there is a Hex that temporarily dispells magic users for 1 minute. Not allot of time but very useful if you prefer Tank builds.

Also there is a way to level up quick if you need a few extra million souls. Reducing my stress and playtime much so.

Just replay the Giant Lord Boss near the end of the game over and over again with a Bomfire item. Be sure to be a magic user and have Soul boosting equipment.

However as I am a Deprived Class, it took me a while before I could even level up ANY magic.

Now I have perfectly even stats all the way past level 40!

I am currently level 400.

SO Easy now.

Although PVP people I've met still spam magic. I prefer my fights to be based on mele timing mechanics. Much more skill required. But now that I am such a high level it hardly matters anymore.

I estimate that with 30 minutes of farming the Boss everyday, I'll be at full 811 level by the next week.

Which kinda makes Dark Souls 2 a bit of a broken game now, but even if you level up 99 on all stats, it hardly makes a huge dent.

Most progress caps off at level 50. So every time you level past 50, you are actually wasting stats as the jumps of stat build is shortened each time.

So you can have 99 strength and it'll hardly make a huge impact to someone with only a 50 strength stat level.

It's a genius way to keep things even and fair in PVP.

Everything past level 50 is just icing in the cake.

Posted by JakBaronKing - March 21st, 2014

Is it wrong to enjoy this?


Posted by JakBaronKing - March 20th, 2014

The ending's a little disapointing. As far as I know you don't get a "choice".


But still a fun game.

Holy fuck I beat it within 68 hours!

Had to have ALLOT of help with some bosses.

And lost ALLOT of sleep.


What's kinda dumb about Dark Souls is that it encourages that you be perfectly well rounded to have any chance of fighitng bosses or PvP.

Implying that the "Deprived" Class is actually the best one to start with.

Although to have ANY chance. You have to level up insanely so.

Best to pace myself during my second playthrough.


Knight Class - Donning Elite Knight Armor full 10+

Level 178.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 26th, 2014


A long time ago I commissioned famous Canadian NG artist "Jouste" to draw one of my favorite NG characters the "Red Baron" created by "Mindchamber".

The illustration was such a huge success that Newgrounds wanted it to become a poster for sale.

Since the Newgrounds Store is closing shop. Nows your last LAST chance to pick up a sweet poster.

Pick up this awesome piece of swag!

update March 7, 2014: Whoops TOO LATE!!!!!!

update March 13, 2014: LAST CHANCE TO GET ONE!!!!


Posted by JakBaronKing - February 19th, 2014

Up until recently are the gorey details of these 'Political Prision Camps' revealed.

Families up to the 3rd generation are imprisoned for one person's unknown crimes if at all.

Children are no exception.

The illustrations are depections from defect individuals and escapee's.

Watch with cauction. Seriously they might make you sick, sad, and heartbroken.

And if they do? GOOD. Then it shows your humanity. Thats the first step towards solving this problem.

And it begins with Kim Jong Un!

He and his league must be brought to justice!

And North Korean citizens suffering be recified and healed.

*(Fuckin' Dennis Rodman.)

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 5th, 2014

After watching the 2hr debate....

OH Man! That was a LANDSLIDE! 

Just so you know, Ken Ham is no oridanary Christian. He is basically an absurd false fundementalist indoctrinator who gets rich off his made up Museum curatorship. WITH TAX PAYER DOLLARS!

That's...him...in a nutshell.

Young-Earth-Creationist - they are suppose to take the Bible as Litterally as possible...except when it's NOT suppose to be taken literal.....but "NATURALLY" as was Ken Ham's response.

(-_-) . . . what?

He's an insult to any other decent Christians or anyone of logic, reason, and sensibility.

The entire debate was like the Futurama episode "Clockwork Origin".

Ken Ham could not present ANYTHING other than "The Bible Says..."

Go watch the real debate.


I would not recomend buying the DVD just yet because it fund his "Creation Museum".

A museum that insists that the Earth is only 6000 years old and that Dinosaurs lived with humans. All creatures that were what they are today, teeth and claws included, that served NO purpose because apparently, God intended that they do not eat meat.

Even other Christans feel that Ken Ham is nuts.

Now I'm all for Religious Freedom. But Ken Ham down right challenged Bill Nye to this debate.

And the way Ken Ham funnells money just shows how much of a fraud he really is.

I view Religions as more of a philosophical study and a means to compare ethical viewpoints that could help establish a sense of morality that "I" can still determin for myself. Presented but not dictated. Not by authority but by recomendation.

I actually find most aspects of the New Testament to be very ethical.

But what's intersting is that Jesus' teachings almost parallel Buddhism.

So much so it inspired a newly famous manga/anime series.

The manga is actually hillarious! And quite humbling for anyone who consideres themselves Religious or a Humanitarian.

Deep down I think we all want to be good people. Even when the rest of the world seems very dark and evil. We can see and study the ways to make life better for everyone else.

I believe Science and Technology will open paths that will make a better future.

The humble origins of Religions can 'inspire' but shouldn't 'dictate' our ethics in life. As humans, our view points must be subject to change for the better - especially when new circumstances and data become avaliable.

Ex : when/if we make contact with aliens. Or when/if artifical life ever is proven to be true. Or the possibility of transhumanism.

And I can slowly see it happening. Our technology and science will change the way we live forever. Hopefully for hte better. Education and Ethics hand in hand will help mold what we know and what we have to better use.

Because seriously, many parts fo the world are in deep shit.

But it's just as the Dalai Lama says.

"Any Man Made Problem can be solved with Man Made Effort". - The Dalai Lama

"Science is the Key to Our Future!" - Bill Neye

Education and Love for Humanity. That's what will save our Future.

And Keep on "Discovering"


Posted by JakBaronKing - January 28th, 2014

Nothing says like the feeling of enebriation along with Nujabes! RIP his peaceful soul.

BTW-I drink Guinness. I've tried many others beers by so far Guinness is still my favorite!

Just chillin'. Workin' and Chillin'.

Started a garden. Growing some nice veggies. Got a knack for growing stuff.

Maybe I'll try to get a Cannabis Growing licence. 

Feeling at peace with the Earth and my Soul.

Feelin' Good.

Posted by JakBaronKing - January 1st, 2014

My feelings expressed in song for the New Year!


So - in accordance to my culture - there is the New Year's Dreams *Hatsuyume.


If you sleep, your first dream on the New Year's will have a reflection of that year.

Could be good, bad, or not make any sense at all. There's something regarding dreaming of a Hawk, Eggplant, and Mount Fuji supposedly being the best of luck - but that rarely happens - AT ALL.

Most dreams are random.

They may lead you to feel more optimistic or cauctious of the New Year.

It's a silly tradition but a tradition none the less I take into consideration.

Anyone have a dream last night? *It only counts if you dream on the night of the New Year - not New Years Eve.


updateL Jan 1, 2014

My dream as best as I can remember involved bein on a motercycle. I was going fast but I didn't feel anxious. The sensation of going fast was the only recolection I could remember. But I don't feel bad about it, nor excited about the sensation. Just going fast.