"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

Joined on 9/27/07

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JakBaronKing's News

Posted by JakBaronKing - July 19th, 2012


I've lost sleep, health, and sanity....

But it was WORTH IT.

I love my hard games. And nothing pleases my gaming skills more than a hard dungeon crawler/brawler.

Here's Dark Souls in a nutshell.

And there is going to be DLC this Winter for counsels and a PC version is coming this August.

Finished the whole game as an "Elite Knight / Sun Warrior" went all "Ghost & Goblins" on this game.

Posted by JakBaronKing - June 26th, 2012



Control - Shepard becomes a God essentially. But is his will strong enough to keep the peace?

-Shepard loses his physical body, but his thoughts and will control and essentially becomes the new Harbinger.
-Eerie music. Almost sinister.

Synthesis - Force everyone to become half-organic-half-machines. But is this freedom? Are the Reapers still in charge?

-How does this justify the Reapers' indoctrination techniques, or their perversion of mutating and killing organic bodies?
-Now that everyone has Reaper tech, aren't the Reapers simply 'mind-controlling' them?

Destroy - Destroys all synthetic life, including Geth and AI *EDI. But everyone survive and slowly rebuilds technology.

-Hackett says that everything that was once destroyed can be rebuilt. Implying that the Geth and EDI could also be returning.
-The Reapers are confident that the peace won't last, but you already proved that wrong with the Geth and Quarian treaty.


I choose to.

Posted by JakBaronKing - June 3rd, 2012

This is funny shit.

On kickstarter

All we need is at least 50,000 people donating 15 dollars or more per person to have a feature film across the United States.

What is "Dick Figures"

It's about Bros....

Meeting Hoes....

And getting into all kinds of shit....

Posted by JakBaronKing - June 2nd, 2012

You know...at one point in history, oppression and execution of 'blacks' was considered a Religious and righteous act by the KKK.

Bottom line...It's nothing but hate man.

Jesus says that the union of man and woman is written in Genesis. But he goes on to say the following....
Jesus himself in the Bible says that some people are just born gay.

"Matthew 19:11-12"

"Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can." (Matthew 19:11-12)

The definition term for "Eunuch" is a man without testicles.

Arguably since the word "gay" or "homosexual" did not exist back then, this description could reefer to male gays.
*note, it is also believed that women shared no real equality back then, so their rights were never really discussed in the bible.

But whatever this intrepretation really means, it's not the most important teaching the Bible.

To which Jesus says the basic law of "Loving thy neighbor as yourself".

He does not condone...

-Restriction of rights and freedom *Let them get married already since they do love each other.

"Loving thy neighbor as yourself". Isn't this expression pretty self-explanitory!?

Basically stop being Nazi towards people just because you don't like their way of doing things.

If it's not hurting anyone else emotionally or physically. Just love and tolerate.

It's not your biz to get in a hate crime or get all raged up about.

Bottom line.

People can make anything into an ugly or hateful thing.

It's all about perspective.

The hateful emotion people express can make an ugly picture out of anything.

And even the 'purest' of religious texts *nothing referenced specifically, can be interpreted in a 'dirty' way by a 'dirty' mind. *That's how powerful people's emotions are.

There is an expression from the TV show "Recess".

"Anyone who finds dirty meaning in a 'word' probably just has a dirty mind to begin with."

Remember people "Love and Tolerance"

Brony version

Epic Lyric Version

Thank God for Charlie Chaplin.

Now for my 'personal' favorite touch. Reggae is hot in Hawaii.

Remember. Your emotions are your guide, they can go both ways, love or hate. Work together with your mind and spirit, you can achieve and see through anything.

Posted by JakBaronKing - May 29th, 2012

"Love is Love"
"Live Let Live"


*Despite your religious background. You know "Gay Marriage" is a righteous thing to allow. Discrimination against anyone for anything is not righteous. If our differences do not hurt anyone else emotionally or physically, what's the problem?

Seriously, this Church's tax exempt needs to be revoked! And perhaps this pastor need to be hanged from a 'sour apple tree' - "Scopes Monkey Trials" reference.

I used to love Foamy the Squirrel, the artist expresses his point quite clearly.

Which actually brings me to another interesting video.

He's probably a self- hating gay

How Gay's were viewed in the 1950's.

The education of homosexuality.

Now...let's NOT bash the Christians now. Reverend Gaddy Explains...

If you are a Christian *and/or any religion that is against homosexuality, remember....religion is a preference choice not a law.

If you are religious, be religious, but be "RESPECTFUL" of others.

And who knows...maybe "God" really can chance His Mind.

If God really is Alpha and Omega, He can literally make 1+4=Fish.

And besides, our own Earth has species worthy of complex beauty....

Looking at the complex biology we have here on Earth itself. A little thing like Homosexuality is no big deal.

Reproduction itself for humans is simple, I won't deny that you literally need a Male + Female to produce a baby *If you are a mammal. But for other species, not so much. Something thing like Homosexuality is no big deal. We can adapt, we can be understanding. Especially since other mammal species are proven to be homosexual as well.


Perhaps Mordin Solis of Mass Effect can explain...

Sexual activity is common stress reliever among allot of species. And sexual activity are often generated with emotional connections. And as I said before "Love is Love". *But if Aliens really did come to Earth, would mating with them be considered bestiality? Another mundane topic for later. Results still the same "Love is Love" *Assuming this other alien can actually talk back. So I guess it's only ethical if the other alien is also sentient. But be warned...'chaffing'.

Humans are a social creature....but we are also creatures of mistrust and malice.
In addition, there is an OVERABUNDANCE of population for humans.

So many people have 'unwanted' children. In China, baby Girls are dumped on the street! And in American alone, so many kids end up orphans and or become gang members or sold as sex slaves.

There was an "American Dad" cartoon episode with a line that really struck me.
"Surro-Gate" episode

"Kids don't need straight parents, they need "good" parents."

Gay or not Gay. Good Parenting is our GOOD FUTURE!

And everyone has lessons and perspectives to offer. Especially emphasizing 'love and tolerance' of others. Lessons about discrimination. And lessons about unity and trust.

*In a Lion's Pride, it is often the case that when Alpha Males lose their place to a younger male, they will subject themselves to being care-takers of the cubs.

Not quite my analogy towards Gay couples as it is towards promoting "ADOPTION" and Gay couples have every right to adopt a child.

Ultimately no matter what, you determine things for yourself. The religion you grew up with is no exception.

Look deep within yourself and determine with any fiber of your being your OWN SENSE of ethical reasoning.

Remember....Gay nor Not. This is all about Love.

Sexuality preference is 'minor' in comparison to the emotional love that can be shared between people.

I am not gay, but I am friends with a few of gay people and they are GOOD people.


But don't stress about this issue too much. Because the world's just gonna keep on spinning and going and going and going. So just swagger on through. It's no biggy. We'll find within ourselves resolution and evolution eventually.

Posted by JakBaronKing - May 10th, 2012

That's it.

Posted by JakBaronKing - May 5th, 2012

*Disclaimer - I'm not being serious here, it's just fun to find connections in these sorta things.

What the hell am I talking about?

A very smart tyke.

From a Christian Enthusiast "Daniel"

And in "BUDDHISM" there is a book called the "Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters"
The Sutra of Forty-two Chapters consists of a brief prologue and 42 short chapters (mostly under 100 Chinese characters), composed largely of quotations from the Buddha.

Oddly enough from my research from "Spirit Science" and "Sacred Geometry" I came up with my own equation...

Circles used to make the Seed of Life.

Circles used to make the Flower of Life.

The number of Shapes formed from Metatron's Cube + Itself.

The Points of the Star of David.

AND counting the points to mark of the Tree of Life.




My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Twilight's cutie mark and equation.

So logically, in conclusion...if Meaning of Life = 42 = Flower of Life = Twilight's Cutie Mark = Represents Friendship....

The Meaning of Life...the Universe....and Everything....



Friendship knows only love, looks past sins, finds mutual ground and understanding, and strives for Harmony for everyone and everything.

Posted by JakBaronKing - May 3rd, 2012

Dis Guy is awesome.

Out of the blue he makes me an awesome illustration gift.

"Check it and Review it!"
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/beastkid7/aki va-the-red-baroness

I'm definitely going to work with him sometime in the future.

We'll be a modern-day "Stan Lee & Steve Ditko"

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 28th, 2012

That means it's time to watch some Flashes.

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 26th, 2012

But a brief existence...

can be gone in a blink of an eye.

And as far as we know...we only get one chance to get it right.

But does that mean we strive for unnecessary goals or ambitions.

I think it's about finding inner peace with yourself and others.

And treating your relationships with proper respect. *For the Universe is much smaller than you think.

But then again, everyone has a different path.