This could all be just a bunch of 'hooey' but granted. If everyone becomes more aware of their own behavior and how it affects ourselves and others, then there might be something to 'evolving' as a species.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Posted by JakBaronKing - December 3rd, 2012
This could all be just a bunch of 'hooey' but granted. If everyone becomes more aware of their own behavior and how it affects ourselves and others, then there might be something to 'evolving' as a species.
Posted by JakBaronKing - December 2nd, 2012
Absolutism can be very dangerous, because it narrows your viewpoints. If your religion tells you to hurt others because it says so, I would suggest finding another religion or a different sect of your current religion.
No hate, it creates more hate. Lies hidden amongst wolves in sheep clothing. Listen to your heart, your empathy.
Posted by JakBaronKing - December 1st, 2012
Don't stress too much about it. Just keep trying your best.
But always remember to go with your heart.
Not your insecurities or fears. But what feel true.
Posted by JakBaronKing - November 15th, 2012
Fucker won't even pay his employees health insurance.
Yet he gives away 2 million free pizzas every year.
The guy owns a mansion with a moat. And a revolving floor for his limos.
He has more money than he could spend in a life time.
Fun Fact: If you average the cost of all the ingredients to make a large size pepperoni pizza.
It only comes out to $2 to make. Pizza is charged for $10 dollars cheapest.
That's nearly a 500% profit!
That's how much money this fucker is making.
And that's basically how much of a profit these fast food joints are making.
*Start cooking for yourselves more often, make your own pizza and burgers.
If you have the yard space, I would highly recommend you get into gardening and grow your own veggies too.
Rich Greedy Bastards like him, Donald Trump, etc.
They could literally MOVE MOUNTAINS with the money they make.
Yet they rather move themselves onto that mountain, and build a moat and live it up like they are kings of the 14th century.
I bet if even only 5% of what they are making gets donated to cancer research, they would've already found a cure by now.
Or if the Family Guy episode is correct, a wealthy pharmaceutical company already found a cure.
But decided that treating cancer is more profitable than curing it.
Fucking Greed. That's all it is.
Posted by JakBaronKing - November 11th, 2012
Well...Season 3 of MLP was out today.
'Say the least I was fairly entertained.
But then again, these intro episodes are just a bit weak and don't live up to the full potential of what they could be.
To make up for it, the main episodes to follow will be very fun to watch.
To celebrate, I'd like to share a little interesting piece of information that has become a bit of a meme a while back.
It is funny how coincidental this concept has occurred, considering the book "Hitch-Hichers Guide to the Galaxy" the whole plot being about the number "42" and how it was the meaning of life and a strange reoccurrence in sacred geometry, religion, art, and science.
Well...Read This Comic.
I'm a huge fan of all the 'Harmony Jazz' and 'Peace through-out the Universe bizz'.
So stuff like this really get's me squeaking happily.
Posted by JakBaronKing - November 5th, 2012
Let's face it. Star Wars is now for kids.
So Disney buys Star Wars....
Maybe not such a bad thing.
I've already seen a Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy, was okay but not that funny.
But a Disney Star Wars....
if you use the characters like :
Max Goof - Luke Skywalker
Goofy Goof - Darth Vader
Scrooge Mc Duck - The Sith Lord
Pete - Bobafet
Mortimer Mouse - Lando
Mickey Mouse - Han Solo
Mini Mouse - Princess Leea'
Donald Duck - Chubaka *cause of the way he talks.
Stitch - Yoda
Ludwig Von Drake - Obi Wan
WallE - R2D2
Eve - C3P0
All Droids and Vehicles will have "CARs" eyes.
DUDE! That could work!!!!
I think I'm going to draw these in a collaboration.
"I find your lack of faith disturbing - He-Yuk!"
Posted by JakBaronKing - November 5th, 2012
I hope you've done your research.
Gonna vote first thing tomorrow mourning!
Good luck everyone in the USA!
Posted by JakBaronKing - October 28th, 2012
To those paying attention to politics...fuck man...I'm just so frustrated.
*(if you don't know or you 'think' you know...don't listen to Fox, ABC, or for GOD sake, Not the 700 Club news.)
PLEASE consider these sites for your news and political information.
The Young Turks
Philip DeFranco Show
I pray things in this world will get better....for EVERYBODY. Not just one particular race or religion or culture.
We just need to solve these issues and work better together. Otherwise we'll have anarchy.
If not.....
Sigh....well the world's not in 'total' chaos yet.
Sometimes I just get so upset the way things are being done in the world.
Well...easier said than done right?
Can't please everybody, can we? Or can we?
I don't fucking know anymore.
Please, just watch a few videos from the links above and you'll see what I mean.
The politicians discussing the issue of Rape and how it can be 'justified' irritates me the most.
There just seems to be more problems than solutions.
And all the solutions are easier said than done.
Posted by JakBaronKing - October 13th, 2012
If you love sneaking about or just having dark powers that would make a demon jealous....then Dishonored is the game for you!
What will you do?
Will you be patient and listen? Forgiving and Merciful?
Or will you seek revenge? Torturing and killing in a variety of 'creative' ways.
Will you be quick and silent, invisible and in the shadows?
Or will you be guns' blazing and magic powers blasting?
You have allot of ways to play this game.
*Despite how dark the game looks, you can get the very hard to achieve good / happy ending.
And you don't have to kill anyone. Not even your assassinated targets.
Posted by JakBaronKing - August 16th, 2012
Support this Awesome Artist! His work is amazing! kiyo-e-heroes
Already reached kickstarter goal but can still get prints.
Only a few days left!!!