And I didn't even know it.
*He and I ran into each other frequently at Whole Foods and chatted it up.
He's staring in the new series "The River"
He's a really friendly guy.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Posted by JakBaronKing - April 21st, 2012
And I didn't even know it.
*He and I ran into each other frequently at Whole Foods and chatted it up.
He's staring in the new series "The River"
He's a really friendly guy.
Posted by JakBaronKing - April 16th, 2012
He was asked...
"Is there a time when you are 'not' smiling?"
"When I'm using the bathroom and it's hard to poop. Then I'm very 'serious'.
Watch all Dalai video's here. re=watch
But seriously...
To obtain must have 'effort' and be 'realistic'.
Find wholeness in perspectives...
And be mutually understanding.
It was a very enlightening event for me.
Posted by JakBaronKing - April 11th, 2012
Enough said.
Too many people I've encountered actually feel that their own Religion is to be held in higher regard to anyone else, and that people like the Dalai Lama are 'false prophets'. Or that Science is better than religion and is not needed in our society.
Well, there are things in this world where you have to just 'listen to' and determine for yourself.
Wisdom in my opinion, is beyond science or religion, it's something that is gained through experience and time only.
The Dalai Lama is primarily a man of Wisdom, though Buddhist in origin. But listen, and judge for yourself. No other religion will hypnotize you into their way of thinking, you make the call for yourself for anything you encounter. Ex: Drugs and Peer Pressure or Rising Above the influence of Others.
Wisdom comes from listening to others and everyone. True or False, Right or Wrong, Stupid or Genius. Doesn't matter, just know that you have to option to determine for things for yourself. Your own consensus.
So...yeah...counterproductively if you feel that your Religion is to be held in higher regard than anyone else and that people like the Dalai Lama are indeed false prophets. Or that you think all religion is bullshit and that science is the way to go. Then your entitled to that too.
Ultimately. I'm saying that you should still hold on to your own individual beliefs of Science and Religion. Just keep and open mind to what other's have to say.
But check out this children's book.
This was my favorite Children's Book.
Keep an open mind, that's all I have to say.
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 29th, 2012
i don't mean to offend anyone. Just pointing out a possibility.
Oh god...I burped up something bad. After drinking that Coca-Cola, my mouth tastes like 'metal'.
After months of healthy eating and drinking. My first unhealthy beverage is having adverse affects.
DON'T DRINK COMMERCIAL GRADE SODAS! Switch to Natural if you can.
A sudden sharp pain in my side.
His love of Cola was probably his demise.
Read this UK link in the daily mail. Dated 2011. 7/Coca-cola-Pepsi-ingredient-cancer-risk-Call-ba n-colouring-agent.html
'Chemical reactions result in the formation of two substances known as 2-MI and 4-MI which in government-conducted studies caused lung, liver, or thyroid cancer or leukaemia in laboratory mice or rats.'
I had this feeling after dedicating a Soda to Edd. Upon drinking a Coca-Cola brand soda, I felt...strange. I had not drank a commercial brand soda in ages, and it felt...strangely aphrodisiacal. I wanted more.
This was my suspicion. Something about Coca-Cola brand cola is addictive. The extra chemicals they add could be as sinister as a cigarette company, or the high fructose corn syrup. Or maybe it's that 2-MI substance the article mentions.
So....anyone brave enough to sue a major corporation for taking away our beloved Edd?
Just kidding, because it's a waste of time. Rather I think everyone should switch to drinking NATURAL Sodas if you're a soda drinker.
Although, I prefer drinking Blueberry Juice over Soda...
No particular band of Natural Soda is preferable, just make sure it's free of chemicals and is natural.
But again, drinking water and natural juices is better. Soda should just be an occasional celebration thing you know?
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 29th, 2012
If religion's have taught me anything, is that if one's spirit is strong enough, it can overcome the eternal sleep of death and venture forth to explore the cosmos as it see's fit.
Never have I witness such dedication of a person who already knew of his demise years ago.
He never gave up. He never surrendered. He merely saw his cancer as an obstacle.
For those lacking motivation...ponder this.
You could die tomorrow in your sleep.
What would you have accomplished?
What would you regret not doing, not asking, not talking to?
Is there a special person whom you were too nervous to ask out?
Or has laziness gotten the better of you.
For many, time is a luxury, for we assume that there will always be a tomorrow.
I say...
Live life as if you know there won't be a tomorrow.
Get work done.
Go on that trip.
Do whatever makes you blossom.
There is a saying...
"The Hibiscus only bloom one in it's entire life. Though brief, it's existence was worthwhile because of the beauty it beholds. Shouldn't we reflect our lives to such dedication of life? That we may blossom within our hearts each day as if it were our last?"
RIP Edd.
When I die, we'll share a Cola in Heaven, or Asgard, or Nirvana, or whatever.
Metaphorically & theologically speaking.
Here's to you. Let us make this a tradition. A dedication to Newgrounds' most DEDICATED artist.
Every March 25th.
Let's crack open a cold one of Soda and honor Edd.
on second thought, better make it "natural" Soda, free of chemicals and artificial colors and sweetners.
I'd hate to be the one to point it out. But I've always suspected Edd's love of Cola being his demise, I mean...he did pretty much drink it his whole life.
'Chemical reactions result in the formation of two substances known as 2-MI and 4-MI which in government-conducted studies caused lung, liver, or thyroid cancer or leukaemia in laboratory mice or rats.'
The oddest thing was...I was compelled to do a google search on the connections of "leukaemia + cola" immediately after I decided to drink a cola in dedication to Edd.
Edd? You trying to tell us something?
Anyway, I would highly suggest Soda drinkers to put away your Coka-Cola brand Colas and switch to a more 'Natural' Soda or beverage.
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 27th, 2012
SO far my favorite artist come from....
"Goldfish" - Nu Jazz
"Caravan Palace" - Gypsy Jazz
"Nomak" - Jazzy Hip Hop
Anyone know any other good ones?
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 15th, 2012
If this was the intention, then it's pure genius! It had me totally fooled!
The game is only a week old and Twitters from Mass Effect teams are 'urging' players to hold on to their copies of Mass Effect 3.
update: free DLC "The Truth" coming next month.
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 13th, 2012
Good journey, great dialogue, amazing story and events over-all that is all based on your past decisions.
A few glitches and such, but nothing too minor. Replaying the missions seemed to fix these glitches and cutscenes.
I romanced Tali and hoped for a big amazing scene of hot alien sex. lol But rather, it was short and a sweet kiss.
But what is REALLY disapointing is the fact they lazily tried to reveal her face through a photo. a-royalty-free-image/123488108
Seriously, for a company that makes fucking millions of dollars, they would have some heart to reach out to the fan base. Although, I only found out about this through nay-sayers.
Still, I thought it looked pretty lazy.
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 13th, 2012
This was the ending I choose for my Mass Effect 3 experience.
ALLOT of people hated the game's similar in animation endings. But this one really struck me once I thought about it.
Here's my review that inspired me while blogging about it on YouTube.
Mass Effect 3 Synthesis Ending Review.
The ending ultimately leaves you three choices. Destroy, Control, or Synthesis.
Destroy: If you think you should dominate and destroy, then this option basically will never end the cycle of destruction. Sure the peace will be there, but new generations will occur and the cycle will begin again.
Control: No better, if you choose this option, it's no different than becoming the new Catalyst. Ultimately realizing what will become and begin 'cleansing' once again.
Synthesis: To co-exist. Peacefully or War-Like, the choice is up to you. The difference is that you are now integrating your consciousness into the Citadel that will spread a 'change' of DNA on all Organic Life, turning everyone into Husks, but with free-will. All organic species are essentially immortal *in terms of longevity. And all synthetics, including the Reapers share Shepard's memories and made the choice to leave Earth on their own.
Much like how Legion synced his consensus with the Geth, giving them did Shepard did by sharing his Synthetic body technology with every single organic species in the Galaxy that the Mass Relays reached to as well as his consciousness.
In doing so, sent Joker and EDI on a new planet as a new species, the new Adam and Eve of that world.
All at the same time destroys the Mass Relays, breaking connection with all species in the known galaxy.
Why?....It's because of personal growth. Much like the Krogan civilization of ancient Tuchanka.
For not every species is ready to interact with each other, they need to grow peacefully on their own way first.
You must fight and resolve amongst yourselves first. A good example is a Chinese Proverb I heard about growing Rice Paddies. "To live peacefully, you do need personal space, just like growing rice paddies. If you clump the paddies together, they grow tall only to choke themselves to death. The rice needs to be spaced apart so that the stalks of the grass grows wider near the top. Fully grown, their roots will not touch, but their grains will."
Personal Growth is the key before reaching out to others.
The Stargazer and the Child *(who's species and past parent origins are unknown) is an example of when the universe of various species will soon once again, be ready to unionize.
And if the stories continue, and the universe is indeed ready to be connected again, every species who united that day will pass on their stories of how 'The Shepard' lead them.
For all species are unique....
....It's our differences that unite us, make us special.