"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 3rd, 2012
Dear Princess Celestia.
It is possible we can do or say something offensive even when we don't mean to.
One should not take anything so seriously that it actually turns into something ugly.
Even from both parties supporting and opposing.
It's more important to be loving and tolerable of others and their opinions. But to choose to be emotionally hurt by something 'unintentional' is unethical, and we should be more understanding and forgiving and or humbled
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.
Well...I voiced my opinions. And I read the opinions of others on youtube and blogs.
Needless to say, there are some 'really smart' people on Newgrounds.
ThankYou, to everyone who replied and gave their very well thought-out opinions!
It was a very intelligent discussion these past few days.
I truly appreciate it.
Bottom line, Hasbro did something intentionally good.
And that's all that really matters.
I truly appreciate what the writers and animators did.
Ultimately, the fans are making this into something even more ugly than I could even fathom.
No one was trying to be an 'ableist'.
So both parties need to give it a rest.
Posted by JakBaronKing - March 2nd, 2012
I 'nerd-raged' a little regarding the character "Derpy Hooves" and it's recent censorship.
But thinking deeper upon's much more than just supporting a cartoon character you like.
This is all about our 'freedom of expression' without 'oppression' or 'animosity'.
Think about the word 'derp''s a 'slang' right? As in...made up.
It's interpretation is all in the individuals or groups, and I noticed that how people react to certain words or phrases, it reveals a part of their personality.
I would like to reefer to the episode "The Story of the Whomps" from "Recess" again.
PLEASE WATCH THIS WHOLE EPISODE. It expresses my point VERY clearly through the characters.
*This is more about a sociological level of thinking rather than just a fandom rage.
Notably enough, those that hold the..."pole up their ass", will generally find certain means of expression offensive and liberating for punishment.
I remember as a child...I used to get 'SLAPED' by my strict father for 'sighing' when he scolded me.
*It was a Japanese thing, don't worry about it.
That's the key element. Sociological interpretation. And all slang has this affect on people and is regarded for it's quality by the mass appeal or disapproval. And eventually, certain words are considered okay. The idea of making up new words is the means of avoiding trouble to those who say otherwise.
Damn became Dang.
Hell became Heck or Hey.
Even extended how certain racial slurs came about.
I remember back in the early 90's it was more appropriate to call someone 'African American' rather than 'Black.'
Hasbro & Hub have done something FAR terrible than covering their asses to protect their 'sensitive viewers'.
They've defined the word "derp" as being OFFENSIVE.
By censoring a cartoon character...they've changed the meaning of how this word "Derp" can be used.
No longer is "Derp" considered playful and fun to use whenever you are working, mess up, and laugh about it.
People might actually file LAWSUITS when someone casually uses the word "Derp" in a work environment
This course of action, especially by influential television viewers, will now see a harmless word as a 'hateful' word.
Course, written above is just a 'Worst Case Scenario' situation.
But it's something to think about when our freedom of expression is always going to be judged.
People should just learn to understand the 'intentions' and 'emotions' of people and not just their words.
As I said before...even so called 'offensive' language could be expressed with kindness and grace if spoken by a kind person.
And especially 'safe' language could be expressed with cruelty and harm if spoken by a hateful person.
It's the WAY how words are used, structured, and how they are spoken with certain tone.
Television has a HUGE affect on the masses, especially the youth.
And I worry what the outcome will be because of this action of censorship.
Hopefully, I can use the word "derp" and not get into trouble.
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 29th, 2012
He lived a good, healthy, and happy life.
Though...diabetes is a bitch. Seriously, you can drink and eat healthy all your life. But unless you take your insulin, you fall asleep and never wake up.
When I die...I want this song to play at my funeral.
Pouring out my thoughts below...
Listen to this while you read. It helps.
It's a funny thing...death.
Logically it would make sense for death to occur. Some live, some die, some have a chance to pass on their genes, other's don't.
Survival of the fittest.
Owing everything we have to our past ancestors.
So what do we pass on now?
Hopes, dreams, knowledge & wisdom?
That hasn't been the case lately.
With so many unwanted pregnancies and children being mistreated or abandoned.
And people in general feel animosity, hatred, and jealousy towards others.
They sneer, covet, and rage.
It's not their faults, it's how they think, how they feel inside....
It's heart-breaking to see how our species is going into a world of chaos.
But the mere fact that we are aware of this means we can change.
So we are no longer a species of survival or comfort.
But rather we are a species of finding emotional strength and friendship.
And perhaps this 'time-limit' means we shouldn't have too much time to be emotionally upset or problematic, spoiled in personality, or unnecessarily dramatic.
Emotional strength comes from within.
I guess one could analogize this and say that "God is within you" or "Namaste" or "Kami Sama Ga Mamoru Youni".
However you want to call it.
Just try and feel that warmth within yourself.
Because one day, you will die too.
And that warmth will keep you alive eternally.
Anyone reading this...I would like you to simply 'contemplate'.
About .... anything you want.
Just clear your mind.
And let the thoughts roll out.
Choose a music that best fits your appeal.
A bit more funky.
Do you fear...or do you embrace the 'known evils' of yourself and others?
*only works with headphones. Warning: might scare you. might not. might make you Satanic.
Do you feel more logical? More 'dub-step'.
"All aspects of life are necessary to exist. Either all perspectives exists or none of it can exist. That is the law of the Universe...ALL or NONE."
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 29th, 2012
Example word "Womp"
"Derp" is not offensive. It's a made up word.
Remember the "Recess" cartoon? There was this episode called "Womp".
Words are just words.
They have no real power without intention of the people who use them.
So called "inappropriate' words can be very uplifting and encouraging if spoken with kindness and grace.
And very 'safe' words can have a very strong impact of emotional pain if spoken with cruelness and hate.
People are cruel, inappropriate, and offensive.
Not Words.
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 27th, 2012
-Midterms *(Hardly studied)
-Grandpa died
-Derpy Censorship
-Stress at work
Over that emotional drama.
Just gotta keep moving forward.
Through the rain of emotional let-downs.
There is an upside to 'things not going our way'.
My father would always say to me before he died....
"The rain will fall and cause disappointment, but when it dries, the ground solidifies, and the plants grow again, the road becomes stronger to walk on."
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 25th, 2012
update: 3 hours after the "save Derpy" animation went on youtube.
Holy shit...over 100,000 people has written, emailed, and called Hasbro.
They said...OKAY we'll look into this!
Let's just see what happens.
-------------Old stuff pertaining to the results----------
I have become a HUGE "My Little Pony" fan since the new show premiered with awesome animation, unique characters, and a loving story of a theme of 'love & tolerance'.
Well...apparently this has not been the case for a 'particular' MLP character that has caught the attention of fans and admirers.
"Derpy Hooves" has been the fan given name for a unique animated flop that quickly became a sensation due to her unique goggly-eyes. Since then, she has been a sorta 'Where is Waldo' secret background character and has even earned herself a quick little speaking line in an episode "The Last Round-Up".
This is a complete JOY to all the fans of the clumsy and lovable mare.
But something went horribly wrong.
HASBRO - for reasons unclear and speculated, has decided to remove the episode from iTunes and Broadcasting and re-edited the scene with a new voice, name unmentioned, and EYES UN-DERPED.
Why? Why would they remove such a lovable character from a kids cartoon show?
Considering how many 'other' male based characters there are out there on television who act just as if not MORE asinine and comical than her.
What are these reasons? Why would Hasbro remove and change what has been a loving dedication to fans!?
How many male characters on TV are there that act stupid?
Oh...about hundred of them!
But the first time a female 'dopey' character becomes a sensation, 'PEOPLE' get upset.
So much for 'Love and Tolerance'.
I mean come on!
If they remove Derpy Hooves, they would pretty much have to remove all the other 'stupid' characters on TV.
These Characters are genuinely considered 'Retarded' or 'Stupid'.
Homer - The Simpsons
Officer Wiggems - The Simpsons
Ralph Wiggems - The Simpsons
Ed - Ed Edd n Eddy
Billy - Billy and Mandy
Pinkey - Pinkey and the Brain
Fry - Futurama
Daffy Duck - Looney Tunes
Goofy - Disney
Even the names "Daffy" and "Goofy" are words of direct meaning to silliness.
"Derp" is an internet created term often used for casual cellphone chatting.
ex: "I just derped on my math test".
There's something wrong with this world.
Derpy's removal is an example that people just don't know how to be loving and tolerable and basically just like to bitch.
Well...goodbye Derpy Hooves
Another issue is the word..."Derp". Why is that such an offense word?
It's like calling someone 'gay' has generally been considered a word for derogatory insult. But that's changing.
So...really now. The word is made up. It's like calling someone 'Goofy' is suddenly offense.
This is so stupid man.
I want to fight for this.
1. For gender equality.
2. For the right of name 'not' being offensive.
3. For the love of animation fan-service.
4. For that lovable goof-ball.
If any animators fans of the show are reading this...I have an idea.
You should ANIMATE 'BaldDumboRat' vocal of her playing Derpy Hooves in any of her videos.
Then post it one the web.
This will hopefully get the message that...well...this is stupid and we want Derpy back.
Worth a shot. And she does voice the bit VERY well.
update: YES! Someone listened!
Thanks Alfa995
work in progress.
ALRIGHT! Thanks 47times
It's's working :D
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 20th, 2012
This is a real definition of a Brony.
I DARE to feel empathy and happiness. It's not un-manly. It feels fucking GOOD.
Sorry haters. This show is King!
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 19th, 2012
We've all read it before in the Bible, or other cultures perspectives.
We all like to believe that bad people go to hell and are eternally punished for sins and crimes they commit.
Well...I've contemplated upon this idea and I can honestly's all a bunch of BULL.
There is no logical reason for torture as punishment.
The real salvation comes from within...or at least believing in a benevolent figure head that will 'save' you from hell. But that being said...leaves me to doubt the reason of there being a Heaven or Hell.
If God is indeed all knowing and created everything, then logically IT *being God, is also a vast composition of good and evil.
In Spingapore, there is a theme park dedicated to scare visitors of the 10 stages of Hell, each horrifying punishment for a different reason.
And then there's version of Hell.
Do you hear their fear?
Do you feel the pain they believe in?
And do you also sense
It plays mostly on fear.
These people FEAR Hell and they 'want' to do good because they don't want to go to Hell.
----'s the truth.
Much like the boogie man idea if you don't go to bed in time or the monster in your closet.
Religions have played a HUGE role at clawing at our inhibitions and insecurities.
Sure there is danger, and torture existing in our own lives. But the real destruction exists in our own being.
Our intelligence must be strived for, our spirit must be leveled, our bodies at tune with both.
Now...Hell could very well exist. Because the manifestations of beliefs and thoughts are so infinite and vast it is illogical to not believe it doesn't exist. Or it can. Or it won't. Infinite loop of infinite thoughts produces infinite possibilities.
I'm should choose to NOT believe in a Hell. And that bad people don't go to a place where they are tortured for eternity. Or whatever you want.
But nothings is going to change or progress unless we change from what is within.
Bad people...good difference. We are ALL people and we all have our inner demons.
Bigotry, Vanity, Inhibitions, Incontinence, Fear, Lethargy, Indifference....etc.
People choose to go to Hell because they are in their own Hell.
And it makes no difference to believe others will go to hell and you will go to heaven.
You're all in the same boat.
But in case I'm wrong, take this with a grain of salt.
We are an amazing species. Our ability to think, conceptualize, and manifest.
Here's a bit of a scary thought, what if through-out the infinite time and space world, there existed beings meant of trying to control the realities of consciousness that pass on after they died?
Heaven is structured, so is's like a city or a organized mass of people.
But what if consciousness was intended to be free and do whatever it wants?
To experience all forms of life, consciousness, even sins, tribulations and retributions.
The Universe is huge...I wish I could explore it.
Posted by JakBaronKing - February 18th, 2012
(This is scientifically proven to be the most relaxing song in the world. *(look it up: Marconi Union)
Random thoughts....
Through out our lives, we encounter may forms of obstructions that may hinder our happiness, performance, or lifestyle.
Sometimes you've had a bad day at work, sometimes a loved one dies, or sometimes you just don't give a damn.
It's a kinda of sad fact of life.
But how we choose to react to it is 'key'.
Sure...much like the situations of Tibet, the upheaval of 'assertiveness' sometimes seems unsettling.
So what do you do? Retaliate? Rebel? Fight 'fire with fire'. See who wins?
Or do you simply ignore? Be submissive? Is that considered 'weak'?
People who are cruel sometimes know they are being cruel and simply don't care.
People who are cruel sometimes do it because they feel obliged to do so.
Or sometimes you've just pissed off the wrong guy.
People who submit to drugs because of an escape. But the real escape is in the healing of your own mind. The contemplations of thoughts and choosing to face them rather than ignoring them.
Sometimes there's a person you really like but that person doesn't share the same interests.
Either way, you can't change how people view you.
But you can choose how you view yourself. And that's all that really matters.
And choosing to 'react' is an interesting and often difficult choice, especially with raging and 'destructive' emotions.
But see...this is where I've come to a revelation.
Anger, Hate, Lust, Greed etc....
All of these seem to be 'bad' emotions to have?
But 'bad' means we 'shouldn't' have them?
But they exist.
I feel that every form of emotion can be powerfully positive and constructive if used appropriately and in the right situations.
Now I speak of 'emotions' however. Not crimes that pertain to a 'specific' situation.
But rather we can channel our emotions in the direction that makes us better people, or rather be used in more appropriate situations.
If used without intentionally intelligent direction, we can often be overtaken by 'bad' decisions or be placed in 'bad' situations which ultimately lead us to doing criminal acts.
Now I haven't really thought of any specifics yet. Just something to think about.