Japanese super heroes can be cool despite how cheesy it can sometimes be.
Hey! What if you did "Turbo Justice" from the "ZBluCops" series?
It's French.
Japanese super heroes can be cool despite how cheesy it can sometimes be.
Hey! What if you did "Turbo Justice" from the "ZBluCops" series?
It's French.
woah! i'll check it out later!
I think "Slenderman" is a type of hyper-dimetntional being.
The new episodes of "Doctor Who" featured a very similar character also before the whole "Slenderman" craze ever became popular.
They called it the "Silence" suited white tall aliens that could manipulate your actions with implanted thoughts and make you forget their existence the moment you turn away.
It's very possible that "Slendermen" could exist right before us, and manipulating us all these years. Although we are becoming more self-aware upcoming 2012 and thus they are losing their grip.
Spooky :O - oooooooohh
To those's saying "I'd hit that". Just keep in mind half of Gardevoirs are are technically males.
Whaaaaat? No way man, I'm pretty sure Gallade is the male alternative.
Last time I checked, if you evolved a male Kirlia with a dawn stone ...
Kirlia can still evolve by level, regardless of gender. I googled it!
.... Gross! D:
A present for someone?
Had to research this game.
And I was just...wut? What the hell is this game!? Now I thought Geometry Wars was a hard game.
But I guess games about 'you vs the world' is a theme that'll never get old. The sprites are done in your style which is cool.
Can you just imagine how much you had to strain your eyes just to play that game?
it's not eye straining
Back when I was twelve. I came up with my own version of Plant Powered Evee called Vineon.
It was much more sinister looking but had the same jist of leaf leaves. I had a ring of leaves acting like a poffy collar and a long bulb flower for a tail.
This ensemble is very appealing!
Is there any way to achieve a 'stained-glass' look?
Not that it's needed but curious as to the alternative.
That or what if "Oni-Link" was ghost-like? That way you can see Majora's Mask. Like what if the body was transparent but the face was not, emphasizing that he's just a mask physically?
More like "Porn" Night.
Is...that a ewe? A female sheep?
Hey, eating is like...half of what's good about Hawaii.
As for hunky guys, well....good luck with that.
Parasailing is easy, don't know why you didn't get a chance.
Oh, and you have to build an immunity towards the sunlight. Eat lots of purple sweet potatoes without the sugar and marshmallows. All that antioxidants are good for your skin.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07