I always found this to be cute
It's not often ghost are portrayed in the style of the old cartoons.
This is an interesting fusion of old and new ideas.
It's like looking at an anime version of casper.
This would suite nicely as a T-Shirt icon.
I always found this to be cute
It's not often ghost are portrayed in the style of the old cartoons.
This is an interesting fusion of old and new ideas.
It's like looking at an anime version of casper.
This would suite nicely as a T-Shirt icon.
that would be cute~
but i have other ideas ^^
It's bad-ass
But if the eyes of the skulls he was wearing glowed a fiery orange...
That would be even more bad-ass-er.
Man! Everything you do looks so cool!
hey thanks jak!
he actually has a cryptic gaze spell that comes from red glowy eyes but it kept looking cheesy so i opted out of it.
thanks for the highscore!
I didn't even notice her...
until you drew this.
I mean...out of all the events occurring in the video....this is who impacts your attention the most!?
I'll admit, re-watching the video...she was uniquely calm.
That or she's one of those types of people who's mind just drifts in space.
Headphones are proven to reduce your attention span of whatever happens around you.
The picture is very nice. You've capture 'serenity' among 'chaos'
The first time you showed me this...
I...laughed SO hard!
You're probably the first person who made the association of an Emu with Emo.
This needs to be a poster for sale!
It is...or was a while back. I abandoned my Cafe Press shop long ago. By now if you go there self-aware evolved mushrooms have built a civilization using low-quality t-shirts as currency.
An artist is free...
often free of his own self-awareness. His imagination emulates through his personality.
Those with no imagination are occupied with logic.
It's not that one is better than the other. Just different.
But only those with logic seem to care.
Albert Einstein once said - that imagination is more important than information.
And it's a good thing your brother is the sane one other wise your bond of electrons won't go together so well.
Your like Abbot and Coestelllo, Loral and Hardy, Plus and Minus.
It's the very concept of where opposites work so well together in a comic.
Man...I'm just full of shit aren't i.
Time to skip myself!
Hah, yeah, I definitely enjoy doing these. Sometimes it's as effortless as Rob skipping and Johny being abhorred by it, heh. Good times though, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Red Knight's ma favorite.
What can I say...I love lightning, and Red.
It' like...harmony to me.
i always like hearing who's people's favorites are. mine still is and will always be the barbarian :D
You know dude, you seem to be on top of everything
I'm surprised you didn't make a M-Bot tribute art.
Cause you are on top with everything else! I mean...Shit. For example, no sooner than the same day when Dan revealed his trailer for Battle Block Theatre did you get front page for tribute art of a game you never even played yet!
I mean..I'll admit it seems kinda 'suck-up-ish' but damn...if your art is just so damn good!
I'm surprised that you haven't announced your acceptance into the character design for upcoming video games.
Because dude, I've always liked your style of art to the point where I am jealous! Cause I can only wish I had talent like yours.
The dynamic poses to your talents with colors matches perfectly.
And you know how to capture just the epiphany of the game Chibi Knight with your own unique style of bad-assery.
I'm so impressed with your style of art...that...if there was a hall of fame on Newgrounds Art Portal for only the top ten artists of all time...you would definitely be in there.
This art is a reminder that everything you do is like going to the movies at full price and seeing something amazing!
haha, i'm a little confused. is there something stopping artists from drawing fan art for an established company like behemoth>? i'm confident that the game will be great so i drew up something to vent out my excitement.
i wish i could announce something abut getting into games but it seems really hard to get into at the moment. new content and stuff that isn't photo real just doesn't get companies excited i guess. thanks for likeing the poses, i practise drawing poses quite a bit so they stay fresh. i've noticed that some are looking pretty similar though and i've been called on it before so hopefully i smarten up ;D
thanks a lot for the long and insiteful review though. i really appreciate someone who takes that time to show how he feels in that detail. :D
*backflip to highfives*
If there is one thing I love more, is a cute girl in a bunny suit!
But is there any way the audience will remember that this is indeed the same tank-girl you made for twitter?
I think that as pure as this illustration goes, I'm not sure if it expresses a newgrounds' themed valentines.
After all, Bunny Girls are more associated with Casinos. Not Valentines.
Couse I could be a little bitch and complain about the little things, but fuck it.
I'm giving you a 10.
Cuz Bunny Girls on Valentines Day = the best day ever!
It's not Tank Woman.
This is just my OC.
Bunny girls are appropriate for everything. I think of NG like the Playboy mansion of art sites.
If I was to call him MR. Gun...
A gun-shaped nose would be clever.
As a sorta tribute to the old Dick-Tracy characters.
I can see where your going with this art, but I think it would look nicer if the lines were neat-clean-straight-and meets without crossing.
But that's just my opinion. You can keep the bold maroon color (that is maroon right?) Cause that adds some emphasis of his character.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07