You mean you just recored the music?
Or did you immitate it almost perfectly to near flawlessness.
Make your comments specific cause it's hard to judge properly.
You mean you just recored the music?
Or did you immitate it almost perfectly to near flawlessness.
Make your comments specific cause it's hard to judge properly.
Sorry, the 90 character limit on artis's comments stifles me a tad, and I can't review my own submissions. See, what I do is download MIDIs from places like VGMusic, mash them up (read - rearrange) and shove them through Garritan. So probably the latter.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by!
Sounds like somethin from Zelda...
Like something inside of a cave or an ice cavern with frozen crystals of all shapes and colors.
Or perhaps from Harvest Moon Rune scame.
In either case you seem to have mastered the fantasty music loop. A minute long is perfect for video game loops.
I'll bet someone will use this in a flash! Good Job!
Well, it's from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, so I don't blame you for thinking of Zelda or Harvest Moon. One minute, eh... sounds cool. Thanks for stopping by!
It was very wierd...but a good kinda wierd.
A wood elf must have taught you this song...It was really trippy!
You have a tallent for it perhaps! Making trippy music?
Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it. I smoke a lot of pot, I think thats why I can't help but put all these trippy sounds into my music; just sounds so awesome to me. Glad it turned out well.
You truely are the music Man!
But surely the music man would be confident enough to give a full song rather than a 1 minute preview of his greatest work?
I look forward to one single great piece. Something that will make me listen in AW....I know you can do it! Keep it up Kid!
thankz man u
Say what? It sounds very repeative....
Goth music is something very hard to don't get offended by my help...maybe you can add some piano...cause Gothic people don't always feel gloom...they want to know that they want peace...yet the world is a very sad and depressing place. It's a creepy sound...just like Gothic Music should be....but try and mix it up a bit.
thanks for lots of help from u
Very Cool Man...puttin your soul in music.
I can tell what kinda person you might be...very cool indeed. TECHNO TECHNO TECHNO DJ MASTA! You should give Djing a try. I think you've got what it takes.
Wow this is huge insperation. But I play bass and i have been doing it only for a year soo im not readdy to submit my songs into the portal :/ , i think ill wait another year
Like a Techno version of Maddness.
Have you ever watched an anime called Grenaider? It kinda reminds me of that....
I have watched the first 8 episodes of Grenaider *Grenaidiar wasn't it?*, when it first came out. I never really got back to it after waiting for it to finish.
Well at least it was able to invoke a image, and thats what I hope to achieve with all my tracks :D! Thank you for your review, i'm glad you liked it!
Sounds like Metal to Me!
But needs quite time every now and how Linkin Park does it you know...Cause it sounds like your doing certain beats over and over again! Where's the guitar solo...or the drum solo...It's good but a tad repeative now n then. not just at minutes 4:45...but every 3 minutes or so. For people to raise their lighters! or Cell phones...depends which generation your from.
Good job Though...7 minutes is perfect length for HARD COR METAL!
Linkin Park has no solos either ;) and there IS a solo in the song later on.
Thanks for the (somewhat weird) review :)
Dog that was great! I listened to the whole thing!
It has it's repetetion only with more build up every 15 seconds. It's just right. But if you want to make this should listen to it again and make various variation copies. I'm sure you can make a single Masterpiece.
I wonder what you were thinking...It sure sounds dark and scary. Like Egyptians dancing with Anubus....or Dark Shawody Figures about to sacrafice an innocent.
Good Job-Perfect for upcomming Halloween!
I hope your still not pissed. Remember, Anger can block judgement and make us do things we can regret doing, and we can only blam ourselves for those actions because of our anger.
however, there is a way to diverge these unforseen distracting us with a hobby. And it seems your hobby is music. Good be surprised what bad thing can be turned into a good thing.
Thanks for the tips and good advice. I'll try not to let anger make me do something I'll regret ;)
In the mean time, I'll keep at my music and try making the next mix even better!
Thanks for the review!
This sounds like Real Good Metal!
But it needs just a bit of clean up! Keep up the Good work...with enough cleaning up and you should play this live!
I WOULD play this live if it wasn't just me alone :P
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07