Remind me of Indians running with wolves in forest
Neds to be a bit longer. With more drums, and maybe a flute! See what you can do! I look forward to your work.
Remind me of Indians running with wolves in forest
Neds to be a bit longer. With more drums, and maybe a flute! See what you can do! I look forward to your work.
It does sound good...except for that boing boing.
That boing boing sound kinda interfears with the rest of the ensamble. But the rest is quite pleasant. That boing boing sound is kinda annoying to be honest.
Good job but please consider what I've written.
Allright I'll keep it in mind...
yes by all means...make this flower blossem!
I would love to see at least a 6 minute classical piece.
You've got tallent! Compose some more you composer of youth! You've got tallent kid...use it!
Thanks haha.. i know this is kinda short.. but i have no time to work now.. ill make a larger version!
Origional I'm sure! It'sGood!
It totally made "my balls relax" -Litterally! Cause certain music can affect hormornal levels in people. Your's made feel zoned out! It was really good. If you make it calmer and softer, with less buzzing sound this could very well be a great track for relaxation.
I felt like I was in another dimention. That's what this music feels like.
Keep it up! This is a relaxing tune.
Really? Cool. I'll make one that doesn't involve death. I'll call it...
You edited the music from Black Knight Game?
There are repetive parts in this tunes in the track where it resembles the Black Knight Flash Game by ArcadeTown almost EXACTLY! Not that Shareing Music isn't illegal...Share Alike: If you alter, transform, or build upon this music, you may distribute the resulting creation only under a license identical to this one. But if you want to avoid getting fined by M-Bot you must give credit to the author who origionally got the music and or game from.
It sounds great but you must do this soon.
I assure you, if any of this was from somewhere else, I would have mentioned it. Although, if someone else happened to have the same loop packs, they might be somewhat the same.
Any similarity is purely coincidental and unintentional.
It reminds me for Motercycles with neon lights
It gets a bit repetive though. That's why it didnt get a 10, but you at least have my respect as a musicican. Did you DJ before?
nah y?
Very Chillin'
Good meditation music. It totally relaxed me. However, it depends on which direction you really want to go with this track (I did not give you 10 for a reason). It sounds both Calm...yet it also has a soft beat.
You can take it even further and make a sort of Techno Rave beat to it. with Louder Beats and Bass.
Or you can make is softer and calmer and totaly put someone to sleep. Great for sleep therpy.
Do whatever you's gots to dos mate
Guod Job!
all right bro ;)
Good MAN! But I would change a few things.
At around 20 seconds...I was hoping to hear a BOM BOM BOM BOM bass beat sound you know...and makes it progressively louder...guitar...doesn't really fit in with this techno tune, but if you can make it just as tallented as the Gorilaz ( and i mean that in a good way! Cause I think the Gorillaz rock!)
It also ends kinda short...crank this CRUNK UP Fo-Shizzle My Nizzle!
This track sounds kinda scary...perfect for Halloween Flashes!
Keep it up man...try my advice.
I guess I should have made the guitar part loop more than once so that you can hear a bit more of it. It's just a demo right now, so It loops well, but I had to quick-add the ending on to submit. Thanks for the compliments and long review!
Needs a slight change in lyrics
but you could be just like Maroon 5 with sad songs like these. Keep it up! man! Maybe add a base
Yeah I've acutally had a really hard time writing happy songs. Just can't think of any lyrics. Anyway this song summarizes a year and a half of no/crappy relationships I've been writing it for a long time about stuff that actually happened. Thanks for the suggestion about a bass I was actually thinking some congo drums would be cool.
I would totally use this in a game!
Like when choosing a fighting character! Exactly GOod job, make it more than 20 seconds though, like maybe 40 second tune. Cause it gets annoying after a while, people need more time to choose their character, a chacty tune can sometimes help, but not a loop.
thanks for the feedback! I was thinking the same thing this morning! I figured they'd be like me and just zip through the character select ^^ I'll have to tinker!
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07