Dog that was great! I listened to the whole thing!
It has it's repetetion only with more build up every 15 seconds. It's just right. But if you want to make this should listen to it again and make various variation copies. I'm sure you can make a single Masterpiece.
I wonder what you were thinking...It sure sounds dark and scary. Like Egyptians dancing with Anubus....or Dark Shawody Figures about to sacrafice an innocent.
Good Job-Perfect for upcomming Halloween!
I hope your still not pissed. Remember, Anger can block judgement and make us do things we can regret doing, and we can only blam ourselves for those actions because of our anger.
however, there is a way to diverge these unforseen distracting us with a hobby. And it seems your hobby is music. Good be surprised what bad thing can be turned into a good thing.