I'm so glad I understand Yin Yang...
Because it's the univeral symbol of balance.
For Hedonism is indeed proof that you can have too much of a good thing.
It's nothing too shocking, it's rather an technological upgrade of what essentially humans have sought doing hedonistic habits since well...the desire to escape.
But this is where "such people" of society really show their true nature, how weak their will really is by what they do in replacement of life...
For a person to simply turn away from pain, stress, and overwhelming situations is the refusal to adapt and become stronger emotionally.
People can supplement their lifestyle with healthy habits or numb with unhealthy sedatives.
But it's not about drugs....
People who exhibit addiction to video games, internet, sex, and movies all have relatively the same problem if they are only doing these actions simply to avoid another conflict and occurrence in their life.
Anything a person does to "escape" his or her reality for the sake of avoidance of life, responsibility, dedication, and obligation...
Is weak.
Don't be weak.
For true relief of undesirable feelings all resides in one's mind...
If you have control of your own feelings, you can in fact...survive, and maybe even thrive during hardship.