Amusing as it is...this has nothing to do with the intended title.
Amusing as it is...this has nothing to do with the intended title.
I love this idea
It was so funny to see how this event would be announced on Newgrounds.
But it would be more intimidating if you had a actual female voice actress voicing mother earth.
The whole....deep low burly voice with tits is a bit of a throw-off. And was not the least bit threatening. It just sounded sort-a weird.
So other than that...this is a funny Front-Page flash with those minor adjustments.
Should be fix...I strongly urge it. Ask either Princess-Aurora or Rina-Chan or someone.
Think you can re-record those segments before Saturday?
Lol, I was thinking of using a female voice, but I figured the deep voice would be more... Unique(?).
And here's hoping!
Now I know why this was front-paged by Tom
This is the SHIT!
Even if you didn't add the street fighter references, this episode was funny and clever.
The Only thing that was a minus of points is the animation. At times (note: It could just be my computer too - but I doubt it) it seemed a bit laggy.
The lip-syncing didn't work all too well at times, especially for the crock.
But this whole concept of "Purgatory Pizza" is a concept that was fortunate to come across on Newgrounds.
Great Job.
Just when I thought you were abandoning this idea
Here I find the long awaited sequel to your most dedicated fan-based work ever.
Review: 9/10
Though lacking in some humor (which I felt was stronger in previous episodes) it definitely had allot more creative writing and side-parodies than ever before.
Those commercials featuring Meat's energy drink commercial was well written, and even provided some background history to some of the characters.
Once again...the voicing was flawless.
I didn't even need subtitles to understand.
So that was good.
Though the sex-scene finale was quite...."not related to power-rangers at all."
Though you were right...I did watch that scene twice just to make sure that was indeed what I was seeing. I can't believe it...huge massive power rangers orgy?
The Naruto costumes was indeed a nice parody connection.
The Ending Song was original and fun.
I had to watch the credits again and see just how much work, music, and dedication was added to this movie.
I loved it
The Jerry and Jackie stories was morbid yet touching.
I can now understand these types of character's points of view. A young girl having difficulties starting out. A some-what naive man victim of the circumstances of life.
And it ended in a manner that was realistic and non-theatrical.
I can see just how people can become by circumstances and how life has been to them. Where many choose "vice-full-opportunities" over "moralities". The easier choice is often the ones we will regret.
Much like how Jackie suddenly started having regrets of how he treated Jerry.
I am very glad I decided to watch this. You have a very deep sense of mind Mr. Demon.
If your 3 episodes about Jerry ever come to DVD...I would buy it in an instant. Your artistic work is something to be treasured.
Thank-You for working so hard.
I enjoyed it very much.
I am...VERY confused...
Although the Madness Series won't make any sense until the series is over...
These two sudden characters who appear...
(who remind me allot of Stamper & Johny Utah)
These dynamic duo suddenly come to Hank's aid.
Mad Jesus is now dead after opening a rift in the outer realm
And Mad Evil is unleashing a creature who was apparently no match for the new healed Hank.
This series lacks structure...
But the story is captivating enough...
However...this episode in particular wasn't as "stylish" in violence as your previous flashes.
The Hook-Weapon is a nice touch...but his partner was hardly impressive.
I suppose it won't be until the next Madness Day until the whole thing makes sense.
(-1) Not what I was expecting and seemed to move along too slowly just to "resurrect" Hank. That could've gone allot faster. I felt that more emphasis should've gone to the other characters.
(-1) I even watched this again on a faster computer. And even though the animation was smoother and faster. The fight scenes is what makes the "Madness" series impressive. And this particular episode was just short a few notches of my satisfaction of blood lust.
But I can tell you worked VERY hard on this...so thanks for adding "continuation" to an already suspenseful story.
Happy Harry has "Polar Powers"
"Polar Powers" - taking something and changing it into the complete opposite of what it original is.
"Saturday Mourning Watchmen" is exactly what every 80's super-hero theme tv show was all about.
Dumbed Down
Sexually Reduced
Morality Risen
And down right unappealing to anyone over 5 years old.
But this parody makes me happy to happy to know that I once watch such TV shows and realize how stupid they once were.
Thank God there are Artists like Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman.
I just didn't like how the FCC used to "censor" every cartoon back then.
CooooooooooooooL :D
You truly are a versatile artist Mindchamber.
When you told me you were experimenting with Video making...you pretty much got this whole thing down.
And Tom Fulp's acting is quite natural. Wasn't he on a sitcom before?
"I'm going to watch some Hentai"
Ah...Newgrounds is Awesome.
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07