I can't say I'm a die-hard sonic fan...
(-4) It's like the same thing as the last flash...and the flash before...and the flash before...
Though great in animation...i am starting to see a lack in variety when it comes to the humor displayed here.
Each of these jokes...
if you looked at them and recall past "Sonic Short Volume - blank"
You will see some jokes...RE-USED or RE-VISITED.
Not literally, but you'll see a ever so 'slight' connection with the types of jokes.
in each Sonic Volume to date...there has always been some sexual/pregnancy/explicit joke about Amy Rose.
Each time retold differently. But follows the same punch line of the joke.
In Reality...you guys will eventually run out of jokes to make.
You'll have to either slow down and wait for newer sonic games to come out.
Take some real time to look back on your older jokes and really try to see how you can be more original than before.
I'd stick with the latter. Only mainly focus on parodying on "ONE" game or TV show at a time.