Very Impressive
Although you're 3-D animation has gotten me curious.
I would love to watch them in full - did you post them on Youtube?
With the large amount of animation you are able to pump out. I'll bet you'll be a great director of a future film.
Although I feel that you're little animation icon (at the end) of Wonchop eating a bowl of rice with chopstick is a bit too anime-ish. A style that has been dragged out too long and excessively (way too stereotypical)
Surely you could find a better representation of yourself that isn't Anime based? Perhaps drinking a cup of English Tea would suit my preference.
As for your animation demo - I am very impressed with your work.
Flash is difficult for beginners - yet you execute so many animations so frequently - there is no doubt you have what it takes to conquer the animation world.
Keep us all informed of all your ventures, struggles, and success in the near or far future.
-JakBaronKing (a fan of your work)