Ewww...that is Narly!
No wonder Lord Zet says he's the filthiest and nastiest evil in the galaxy.
Hmm....so this is the end of Part 1.
Say...is there ANY chance we can watch the "WHOLE" thing all at once after all the episodes have been submitted to Newgrounds?
These interruptions of the Newgrounds Logos kinda make it "distracting" and "loses" the excitement of the movie.
But since this was mentioned earlier as a technical problem..I shouldn't complain.
Still I was a bit bummed out that after part 2...(I smell Teen Spirits)
BOOM! Episode 3
"Suddenly" the Power Rangers are there?
No transition scene of mystery when the Teens visit the site? Only to be attacked from behind by Slooge in disguise?
It just seemed...rather sudden.
Don't get me wrong though I enjoyed the film entirely. it's the beginning that caught me off guard.
Thumbs up for adding cleverly hidden nudity...I'm sure everyone like looking at "Becky" (aka Rina Chan = LoL = haha just kidding K.)
Note: down below is a bunch of technical questions that DO NOT MATTER what so ever to the review as a whole...If you may...they are just a bunch of "Nerd" complaints.
Umm...what the hell? A Narwhal for the White Ranger? How did he become the White Ranger anyway? Last episode mentioned he was green....
Is anything mentioned or seen in the series based off of the lives of the original actors? Like the quote of the "black-ranger" saying his lines are "boring".
Jayson Lee Scotts (episode 3) mentions "gay porn?"
Your character Pink Ranger "Becky" on an adult magazine?
Anyway..thanks for releasing Episode 3