*The most amazing scene of "Ghost in a Shell" movie. Making a cyborg.
Cyborgs. A forever living vessel containing a human brain, or at least a human brain with allot of computer enhancements. A famous anime titled "Ghost-in-a-Shell" is quite literal in that expression.
Robots are the very imprinting of our own 'self'.
It was written that "GOD" made "Man" in his own image.
Knowledge is constantly increasing, and hubris is often the driving force of creation.
So....was "Man" just a product of "GOD's" vanity?
As God made man from the Earth, so have Man made Robots from the minerals of Earth, along with plastic, rubber, and other complex machinery powered by electricity, the sun, or battery acid.
The point is...if we are a product of God, then logically, we can create life in our own image as well, with an ability to think and comprehend for itself.
For if we did bite from the Tree of All Knowledge, so do we in our very DNA hold the very power of GOD himself.
This is a very scary thought, no one should have this much responsibility.
No man could ever have it nor handle it.
And yet, it will happen.
Because logically...Robots will one day be smart enough to be like humans, to be amongst humans, and dare I say it, become humans themselves!
It's just by observation of our fast growing technology do I come to this conclusion.
And the occasional Sci-Fi movie like Bladerunner.
And if not robots, then forever living human brains inside robot bodies.
Or brains copied into computers so that they may resemble the consciousness of that human.
Though, dead is still dead. And a robot brain is just a copy of it's precursor.
What future will hold when Robots become more complex and integrated in our lives. Would it be a fun and loving world where robots and humans live together like the anime series Astro Boy? Just as Dr. Tenma made a robot to resemble his son Tobi, he imprinted all the good qualities of humanity into Astro. Astro isn't alive, he carries out the program given to him by his creator. And if so, he possess more humanity than we ever do.
Or....will it be dark and dismal, full of war and a fight for equality or slavery. Has anyone seen the Ani-Matrix "Second Renaissance". Robots finally got angry enough at their human creators they rebelled and enslaved them. These were the prequels to the Matrix movies.
If God was real, I can just image and understand why he would want to destroy, or love, or manipulate for His amusement. For if the product is of our own, then we have every right to treat them to our heart's content, no matter how abusive, or misused.
No matter the beginnings or the outcomes. Robots are coming.
And by coming, I also mean "cumming"
Off topic - Sex with Robots
It is NOW confirmed that Japan has made robot sex dolls. But what comes of a robot when it's programed to love?
If robot love is falsified and fabricated, are the creators so cruel as to create false emotions for their own amorous ego? If reality perceived by the Robot is false...then what's to say our perception of reality isn't false either? This philosophy dates back to the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. All reality is an illusion, set forth by our creator...
And for simple amusement of admiration.
"So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:21.
Have you noticed that we ourselves are creating stuff. Making stuff, improving and including new ideas or theories?
But we also exclude things we don't like. Extinction. Ideas or...organism forever lost by choice.
Preservation is all subjective to what we feel is worthy to preserve. Certain qualities are admirable where as others are not. As toys and inventions are used up, they are sent to the FIRES to be recycled and reused. What could come of it is a new invention, one worthy of expanding.
But were they originally just objects of our amusement.
As a god would send a soul to Hell.
Are we but failed inventions to be sent to the fires?
Is Hell our recycling factory?
All this philosophy reminds me of how creatures act on instinct. And how other creatures also act on instinct but also think : aka Humans. How does a baby know to cry when it needs it's mother? No one taught it how to cry. Is "INSTINCT" a form of programing?
Are we ourselves just advanced machines?
Would we reach an age where we would one day set life into motion ourselves? By means or pre-programed organic life?
Was evolution a program set in motion? By an all knowing Creator?
Was it out of vanity, or something more purposeful? And if we are indeed organic programs, why must we die?
.....Anyone ever noticed how Bacteriophages *(viruses) look ALLOT like robots?
Is someone trying to shorten our life? When it was once recorded in the Bible that Humans lived a few centuries at a time. Why has our mortality rate suddenly dropped and is slowly increasing?
Text written by JakBaronKing
"Ghost in a Shell" - Masamune Shirow
"Astro Boy" - Tetsuwan Atomu
"Animatrix: The Second Renaissance" - The Wachowski Brothers
"Robot Sex" - ConnectedLife
"Bible Quote" - Genesis NIV version
"Robot Animals" - Festo Engineering
"NanoBots" - DutchTrucker
"Bacteriophages" img - Wikipedia
For centuries, religion has existed to create cultural beliefs and a system of morals to influence their institutions. Religion is believed to have constructed entire nations, fund their economy, established eating habits, so on and so forth. This is what is known as 'relativism'; a theory used by anthropologists to help explain and map out cultural pasts through their religions. Humans often interpret their realities in accordance to their religion. However, what happens when humans have aged in an era of time where 'free thought' comes in conjunction with 'free speech' and 'free study'? Such is an upheaval to the previous speculations of how religion once was; which today could cause implicati¬ons of great proportions, good and bad. Myths can be powerful, scary, or inspiring; but almost all of today's existing myths occurred hundreds of thousands of years ago. All we have to go by are the stories written by hagiographers during each of their existing eras. But many laities simply accept them as potentially believable facts. Being said, any religion could instill continuous and irrelevant arguments. However, one could deconstruct a religion by studying the origins of a their myths and comparing them with proven facts. However, morals are all relative in any developing society so it's important to show neutral respect for them. This viewpoint is what is known as "Methodical Agnosticism", which instills critical thinking with empirical facts. Though it may seem intimidating, it could very well instill peace amongst cultures, as long as people are willing to be humbled.
However, every approach to methodical thinking has its pros and cons. The implications of studying religion methodically could arise both negative and positive new viewpoints. It is a controversial fact that all religion cannot prove evidence to their myths and that all meaning to their morals is constructed in relation to it. So what drives us in a modern day society to simply accept them as part of our lifestyle so easily? Part of individual thought is to help cognitive personalities grasp hold of augmented realities. As William James once quoted, "Religion...is a man's total reaction upon life-" and by Sigmund Freud, "Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in our instinctual desires." If what Sigmund Freud says is true, then one major implication upon all religious beliefs suggests that it is molded by human behavior with any given situation.
Many of the implications that could be potentially discovered in religion could be disapproval of many sects. A 'threat' on a religion that could potentially be disproven has often promoted fear amongst clergies of many demographics and could therefore cause them to 'react'. In the independent documentary "The God Who Wasn't There" by Brian Flemmings, a Christian extremist group calling themselves "Christian Soldiers" organized many book-burnings that they felt contradicted the teachings of the bible. These extremists today exist under a new name "Soldiers for Christ" which expresses a very militaristic approach to teaching Christianity. Another controversial example could be expressed in the documentary "Ancient Aliens" of A&E networks could instill a 'discovery' to the origins of myths. Through out the first episode, scientists have uncovered ancient technology of flight from ancient Egypt dating thousands of years before the 'Wright Brother'. Could aliens be our gods?
But these methods of analyzing religions have also proven beneficial from a humanitarians' standpoint. Often old religious laws that established social caste systems often oppresses certain races, gender, and social status. Slavery was considered an appropriate practice for centuries. For example, in the Christian NIV Bible, I read than an entire chapter listed under "Exodus" is dedicated to the social standings of owing a slave properly in accordance to God. To go against a religious text may have made Abraham Lincoln seem blasphemous to his local clergy. But despite the text, Abraham Lincoln sought to abolish slavery as a government law. Traditionally, this mindset followed throughout many modern day societies and views it as an inhumane practice.
So what good is religion if all we can do is potentially arise new examples of thought and theories? Would we benefit without it? Controversially, many would say yes. But human thinking is constantly evolving and changing and it's important to accept things as they come along. But we cannot forget about our origins and how they have impacted our lives today. You may be deeply into science fiction and the belief of aliens, but the potential of phenomenon's being supernatural vs. being scientifically explained are just as plausible as each other. Using Mythological Agnosticism, a devotee of a religion could discover and uncover hidden secrets. It is important to know that all religious texts were written by the interpretation of their writers.
I've downloaded the recent Flash Player and I've noticed that though technically you can surf the web with decent amount of privacy...you are still allowing some information of your computer to be saved on sites.
This is understandable...except when it's SPYING on you.
There's this thing called "s.ytimg.com" that appears sometimes automatically saved in your Flash Player preferences.
And this basically means Camera link and spy.
If I'm assuming this correctly.
Thoughts? What goes on people. Do you know what this is?
From my speculations...the coding might originate from Spain.
Man...I can't TALK to certain people about Religion. It's like...taboo for them to hear about it. Such a strange mindset.
Why can't people who are devoted Christians not feel threatened when I discuss what I learned in Religion Class today.
I tried and it's like with my Aunty...I get interrupted with someone quoting Bible verses to contradict my sentence.
Well aunty, I'm not trying to dispute anything, we were on the topic of India as a country and I thought I share something interesting I learned about Hinduism.
It reminded me that there are some VERY narrow minded people in the world when they are placed in a situation to 'test their faith.'
Bullshit man. This isn't testing your faith. Religion is culture, plain and simple. It's important to learn what once was and still is.
You can't dispute what you can't prove. It's a FACT!
The only way you can prove it is if you saw Jesus was performing miracles thousands of years ago.
It's time to settle something here and you people of Newgrounds should watch these videos.
If you feel any form of respect to demographics older than your own, then you should just listen with the intent to learn and not dispute.
It's actually quite interesting. Their mindset, their morals, and it's quite possible, your Religion might be wrong.
Especially by what your 'clergy' tell you. Remember, that's 'their' interpretation of the Bible. You need to interpret things on your own. That's your personal responsibility to learn to read, listen, and interpret.
Remember, no religion can be proven nor disproven. So it is irrelevant to go to extreme means to try and convince yourself or others of your faith.
Just take it as learning 'history'. And we can all learn from 'history'.
Forget about 'faith' for just a moment and open your mind to amazing new cultures and mindset.
But if you stamp and hammer out your beliefs like a troll...then your just being a close minded bully.
Religion...in some cultures...is treated like Terrorism. Don't treat it as a weapon of thought.
Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition, Book Burning, and of course 9-11.
DON'T assume Institutions who label themselves with Christianity are peaceful.
Go Google 'Force Ministries' and 'Christian Soldiers'
They did some book burning back in 85'.
((But don't go to their sites. My Virus site monitoring program says it's NOT safe))
Don't let Religion conflict with your mind views and CERTAINLY don't join a cult that emphasizes violence or genocide.
In this day and age, it is almost IMPORTANT to gain perspective in order to prevent terrorism driven by Religious beliefs.
Religion is all about perspective. So it's important that you get some.
Our ancestors can date back to any of these potential Religions.
Basically many of you are saying "Jesus Loves Me - That's ALL I know."
Click on any of these that I've learned so far this Religion Class.
If your Religion says to not worship any others, fine, don't. But at least learn from them.
"YES AUNTY! I know Jesus died for my sins. But I'm still gonna watch South Park!"