Originally concept art reveals she was suppose to be blonde.
Though for a small bit of critic, it doesn't really seem like she's holding a gun.
But hey, still allot better than what I can draw.
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As cool as she is, conceptual wise for story and world building, her existence makes no sense.
It's like the Vocal Parasite is like some kind of magical healing factor. But for some reason, she specifically can't speak English. Bought the game, listening to the codex information. Makes no sense. Fucking Kojima.
Plus she can somehow 'not' breathe but through her skin, and she can turn invisible with some articles of clothing plus her gun? How? How does that even work if it's a parasite?
Honestly, if Kojima left super-powered abilities more realistically, she'd be really settled in as my cool kick-ass heroine of the MGS series.
But that's just a personal rant.
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Good Art Sab!