It's often the case of inhibitions that make an vain person cavort to appeals of vanity.
It's often the case of inhibitions that make an vain person cavort to appeals of vanity.
Them fancy words for drinking booze.
Dia De Los Meuertos
Death is but a transition into paradise. If your heart feels warmth, so shall the spirit.
What would be cool if while looking at the light, it would appear that the bones are growing back her flesh and she is being reborn into a new person.
I'm not very into drawing muscles and blood but I think is a good idea n_n
Ha that brings back memories.
Such an awesome flash cartoon.
Don't think I've forgotten about you Jak.
Osuka's got a point.
This was a real gem of a beat-em-up game. I wouldn't doubt it inspired Castle Crashers.
Why not help jump start the funds by having Red Baron be a downloadable character of ultimate destruction and have a new mission to follow up for Castle Crashers DLC plays?
An idea I kept for a Castle Crashers' sequel.
I had this idea that the evil wizard was actually hiding and living in the crystal that was retrieved by the knights, resurrected as a crystal monster and started spewing crystal breath trapping the knights and carrying them to be kept in hidden towers.
The princesses have to dawn armor and go rescue them. Each time breaking a crystal prison gives you a new character to play as.
If you can make it through a certain part of the game, a secret path, there would be this HUGE CRYSTAL trapping the Red Baron inside with warning signs saying "DO NOT BREAK"
The challenge would be to break the crystals while also fending off hordes of golem protectors.
Once the crystal broke, the EPIC mini Boss of the Red Baron would begin. It would be LUBRICIOUSLY DIFFICULT to beat.
But once you beat him, he will join your cause and is essentially the broken character to play if you just want to win Castle Crashers without any effort.
cool idea! but i dont think barons asthetics and playstyle would match that well in CC
Japanese super heroes can be cool despite how cheesy it can sometimes be.
Hey! What if you did "Turbo Justice" from the "ZBluCops" series?
It's French.
woah! i'll check it out later!
To those's saying "I'd hit that". Just keep in mind half of Gardevoirs are are technically males.
Whaaaaat? No way man, I'm pretty sure Gallade is the male alternative.
Last time I checked, if you evolved a male Kirlia with a dawn stone ...
Kirlia can still evolve by level, regardless of gender. I googled it!
.... Gross! D:
Had to research this game.
And I was just...wut? What the hell is this game!? Now I thought Geometry Wars was a hard game.
But I guess games about 'you vs the world' is a theme that'll never get old. The sprites are done in your style which is cool.
Can you just imagine how much you had to strain your eyes just to play that game?
it's not eye straining
That's sweet.
Morning mi amore.
Sweetest moment of the day.
A future character.
Gathering the Baron's armor gives her super strength and the wisdom of fighting from the Armor itself. Sorta like...'ghost-armor' has memories of the previous wearer.
Perhaps since she doesn't have all the armor, other 'sinister' characters could be using the Baron's armor for villainous means. Powering themselves for wrong-doing.
I've been meaning to make a comic series based on the Baron and possibly his future decedents.
I'm definitely going to keep this character in mind and give you credit for it.
Yo thats awesome! I knew you'd come up with somethin crazy. I can imagine a whole series centered around that concept.
Thad be real cool
This was Tom Fulp's DREAM.
dream or Nightmare?
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07