Putting things in perspective....
There ARE some serious 'Bronies' out there.
And it seems the MLP franchise is getting a little out of control.
And this well animated Flash demonstrates such...behaviors.
---Off Topic---
((Possible theories and levels of Brony development.))
1. Mild - You simply enjoy the animation for it's charm due to the affiliation with Laurin Faust aka PPG and Fosters.
2. Concerning - Is when you start to buy the toys.
3. Creepy - You behave like the people in this Flash: blogging, forum discussing, and finding....arousal in "horse ass."
---Stop Calling Them Brony's---
The term "Brony" is loosely used and can have too many negative associations.
The term has now been integrated with the franchise as a term for a male Pony in the animated series.
So.....to best describe the people depicted in this Flash, comes a new term I feel is more appropriate and best suited towards them.
"Pony-philes" - noun: an adult; usually male, who is mentally, emotionally, and amorously obsessed with the 'My Little Pony Franchise'. Sexual arousal of animated children's characters are usually common behaviors in such individuals. If encountered, proceed with caution.
---Diagnosing a Pony-phila in Pony-philes----
The show's animation style is nothing new, but the stories and characters are quite charming. But how does it arousal such abnormal behavior? Anti-social behaviors often stem from a lack of security and self-esteme. Do to the show's peaceful and child-like theme, most shut-ins develop mental regression. That in combination with suppressed hormones encourages the sensual arousal. However, most psychiatrists explain that sexual association can even develop with anything and anyone. The more "it's" encouraged, the more the mind is condition. It could even be with a SHOE for crying out loud.
However there are simply those who just enjoy the show for it's animation. So it's nothing to be too concerned about. Don't be that ashamed if you like the show.
My advice, just be mindful of yourself.
And use this Flash as a reference guide to what is considered inappropriate behavior of Pony Obsession.