This Rose has Thorns!
"NEVER-Underestimate a beauty with a blade!"
Perfect in every stroke of the computer pen.
This Rose has Thorns!
"NEVER-Underestimate a beauty with a blade!"
Perfect in every stroke of the computer pen.
Haha, sweet quote! Thanks for your review, Jak. =)
Dude..this is incredible work for colored pencil
I've never seen someone take colored pencil in this direction.
Sure, someone could easily do something like this using photoshop.
But you my friend, are what we call "versatility" in an artist.
One must learn ALL forms of art and you my friend, have mastered another form.
You already have a good sense of realism in your art, perhaps all you need to do is learn the tools and material.
I would love to see an attempt at oil painting. The greatest artist of the past all did oil painting.
Thanx maan! Thats exactly what I need -to learn different ways. Oh and oil paintings are amazing I've tried every other type of painting but oil ...yet its the one I most want to do.
Its probably couse there expensive and my art teacher doesn't have any. If I do I'll post a picture tho.
I never would've pictured her human form...
to be such a sleeping beauty.
She is a pure being.
It's almost can't even feel evil intentions or the dark pasts haunt them. Being a goddess of the sun (*which is represented as all things good), looking at her in human form only makes bad feelings go away as the sun does.
I've seen allot of 'cute' and 'funny' interpretations of Amateratsu's human form.
But this is the best combination of the actual Japanese painting combined with the modern appeal of videogame look.
Why thank you very much!
Your like a genius when it comes to makin monsters
It has a very 80's cartoon "Connan the Barbian" or "He-Man" inspired look to it.
You really need to make comics you know that?
I would why not? Thanks Jak^^
A super-powered Radioactive Girl....
No....she needs some re-editing.
I like the approach with glowing purple energy power.
But because 'purple' is going to be her significant color...she needs something signature to her look.
I don't see her as a super-heroin yet....
Superman's got a big S on his chest.
Batmans' got darkness and pointy ears.
Starfire has green eyes and hair that glows when she flies.
Like...I like white...but she should have some purple blended in somehow. Like purple lip-stick. Or a single stripe of purple in her hair.
And she can perhaps purple glow under her heels? Unless she flies with her hands.
._. she's a super villain...LMAO No she doesn't fly...
I have a soft spot for cat-girls
The little fang hanging out of their mouths always gets to me.
It's such an adorable concept in pop-culture that has been taken to the extent of variety of genres.
Out of all your art, this is by far the 'softest' to look at.
It fills me with a sense of content and calmness.
Wonderful use of graphics. Excellent Work my fellow Broham!
Hehe... then I have accomplished my goal ^^
Snow is so soft and calm... I wanted that to show heh.
Oh that is just cute!
What if she had some 'white' on her dress...just at the edge of her selves and stockings or even some white bows or ribbons.
The choice of the poofy winter hat makes it all the more appropiate to call her 'panda'.
Thanks :D
Dexter's got a hot girlfriend!
Very stylish!
Just waking up from "burning the midnight oil" huh ^_^
This is good!!
I totally get the message in the poster.
Even though i don't speak spanish, i understand - somewhat.
thanks man :)
"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."
Age 38, Male
Inside my own mind.......
Joined on 9/27/07