I like both interpretations - however...
Isn't the whole point of the 'Madness' series to have 'no point at all?'
I mean...after all...that's what makes it kinda distinctive as a movie series.
Judging by your author's comments - I'm guessing your going to advance the plot with a distopian theme. The crosses on the face will have some major significance of either religious suppression, or government totalitarianism. Kinda like that whole Christian thing about the 'mark of the beast'.
But I'm just guessing and I'm sure you'll want to keep that all a secret until the big unveiling.
Still - I kinda like how the direction of how Mindchamber and Tom Fulp interpretations the 'Madness' series as a video-game with no real purpose or plot to the story. Just action and obscure humor.
However - you must have a very 'intense' story to create to have the permission from Krinkles.
After all - this is 'another take' on the Madness series.
But I predict there will be arguments about which one is more preferred.
Truth be told from me - I look forward to the development of either.
On a side note.
Is it too stereotypical of me to think that 'Dwayne Johnson' would make a great henchmen. Not the minor ones...
that BIG dude!
The one with the Spikes in his head?