"The best way to change the world is to first change yourself."

Age 38, Male

Inside my own mind.......

Joined on 9/27/07

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JakBaronKing's News

Posted by JakBaronKing - May 3rd, 2013

My flight from PA - Washington DC was delayed so by the time I arrived in DC my flight to Hawaii left.

So they had me stay in a hotel in DC for tomorrows one only flight.

Fuck I am tired now.

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 28th, 2013

Stayed from 10 am - 2 pm.

-Meet a whole bunch of awesome peeps - so many I don't think I can remember them all.
*To all those guys, you were so awesome! Especially "Coach Man".
-Ate a whole bunch of food.
-Saw a special premiere video from Emily Youcis *It was like looking into the abscess of a demon's herpe sore. So gross and yet so amazing.
-Drank a BUNCH of Beer *I'm going to feel that tomorrow.
-Drew some pictures.
-Drank Beer Again
-And played Red Baron all the way through with one life.

And now...I am going to go to sleep and sleep all day long.

*Tom Fulp decided to stencil my "NG logo Re-design" on all the sketchbooks for people to draw in.

THANKS TOM!!!!!!!!!!

Pico Day Was Awesome!

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 27th, 2013

What an awesome guy!

Invites me out to lunch, got to hang out at the office all day!

Tom is such an awesome guy!

I so far I've meet...












We all hung out at a place called the "Barcade".

I drank allot of GOOD beer.

*Oh and I saw Mindchamber's P-Bot statue.

Can't wait to meet the rest of you tomorrow!

Tom Fulp is Awesome!

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 25th, 2013


I could not sleep on the plane.


It is HARD to sleep on planes.

I forgot how much I hated flying.

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 21st, 2013

Hope to see most of you there!

Posted by JakBaronKing - April 11th, 2013

As I mentioned a few posts ago...my vision was getting worse.

I couldn't see ANYTHING without my glasses.

My sight was no better than Beer Goggles.

And I couldn't swim in the ocean anymore. I couldn't see the horizon from the sea.

Well enough was enough and I decided to finally get Lasik Eye Surgery.

My eye surgery used a 'cool' laser as oppose to the old fashion 'razor blade' method. It's far more efficient and safer.

So now that you understand a little bit of how Lasik works...this is basically how my procedure went.

And now...my Eyes are like this.

- - - -

In reality, I was really really scared.


All they gave me was a relaxation pill and was 'instructed' to not move.

There are risks however and not everyone is able to get the surgery.

I'll have to see if my eyes adjust properly in a few weeks.

And I basically have to use special medicated eye drops.

This is my very first elective surgery.

And it was EXPENSIVE!!! But don't fall victim to 'on sale laser eye surgery'. It's most likely a scam.
I've been saving up for this surgery for almost 5 years.

Talk to your doctor and see which establishment offers the best possible equipment and the most experienced surgeons.

Your eyes are important, don't screw them up.

But it was well worth it. Cause...I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW!

Update 4/10/13: My following check-up was a success! No problems. In fact, all is very well.

Here's how much my vision improved.

I was at 20/390 - That's really REALLY bad. Like a cartoon mole without glasses blind.

Now both my eyes are at 20/20

It's practically a miracle!

Update 4/13/13: Basic symptoms and side effects have started occurring.

-Sensitivity to light
-dry/sticky eye feeling
-trouble focusing immedeatly near and far * takes a few moments.

It's so important to NOT rub your eyes.

And you have to sleep with a protective plastic eye mask for about a week.

But for the most part. My eyes are okay.

Update: 4/19/13: Follow Up appointment was a success.

-My sensitivity to light is lessened.
-My vision is now a perfect 20/20
-And I don't have to sleep with an eye protection mask.

Getting Lasik was SO worth it - since before I was technically legally blind.

Posted by JakBaronKing - March 30th, 2013

*(Very Minor Spoilers in this Review)

Here's the plot.

What if in another world...existed a flying city where the idealisms of 'racial & religious' purity took precedence above all others.

And with enough money and power, such idealisms were 'severely' enforced.

Well that's the alternate reality in Bioshock infinite - a supposed prequel to Bioshock 1&2.

A marvelous city that has once again seceded from the world in pursuit of individual goals of ethics & science *in Bioshock 1&2, or in this case, race & religion.

This game...is "Racist" and for good reason. It's to show players the ugly side of intolerance and the disparaging attitude towards others simply because of their race or religion.

There's a twist...it also shows that justice cannot be attained through violent rebellion also.

But that was often the cases with rebellions. "You pin a dog down long enough and hard enough, eventually he'll want to bite back."

Such is the case with this game. It shows the constants & variations of perspectives that allow the player to see things in a new light.

Borrowing themes from "Alice in Wonderland" & "Wizard of OZ" this is a game for the intellectual thinkers and the hardcore gamer shooters.

Worth the wait..."Bioshock Infinite" is a MUST HAVE!!!

Posted by JakBaronKing - March 20th, 2013

Meditation works like Magic.

It doesn't have to be any fancy smancy words about picturing yourself as water or anything.

Just counting and breathing works like a spell.

Give it a try people.

Just 10 minutes a day counting and breathing slowly and peacefully.

It could be to any music, hell, I bet meditation would work with Heavy Metal.

Just as long as you de-stress with your favorite music. Eyes closed and counting while breathing.

*Hint: Having a furry friend on your lap or belly helps.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 22nd, 2013

My vision has gotten worst this year, I can't even go surfing without seeing the horizon of the ocean.
And prescription goggles are terrible for my sinuses.

My doctor recommended Lasix Eye Surgery. Insurance might help cover it since it hinders performance in my work.

But damn, it's scary looking. You ARE getting your eyeballs cut open.

What do you guys think? And have any of you NG members ever gotten Lasix Eye Surgery?

I hear both good things and bad things from it. Like it hurts terribly for the first few months, or it only last for 10 years.

Posted by JakBaronKing - February 8th, 2013

Read the article here on Equestria Daily

Obviously Hasbro thinks too strongly on the lines of copyright protection and censorship.
*By censoring a made-up fan word, you've officially made it sound offensive.

Sure they allow little things to slide by like comics, and all the uploads you can easily find on youtube *(cause you know it'll only promote the series) - but I have bad feelings about why Hasbro placed a 'cease and deceit' lawsuit on a 'non-profit' fan-game.

The biggest tick for me is that this game is full of amazing works of game programing, animation, and music.

Does Hasbro or any other Big Name company really have the right to control our fan work?

If they did that, they might as well take down Tumbler sites, Deviantart comics, Newgrounds all that jazz. But then who are we to be? Just slaves to mediocrity?

They already took down "Friendship is WitchCraft" by Shereclop. They even had to make their own site. I don't know why, it was specifically disclaimed to be non profit fan-work.

It's a real shame. Because I was really looking forward to playing this game.


A similar game even featured on Newgrounds called "PPGD: Battle in Megaville" was featured and gone un-threatened by their big name company Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.

Because people knew that the game was fake and not part of the franchise. It was based off a fan-work comic.

But since Hasbro is being kinda a bunch of but-holes *scuse my language - that means they can essentially sue this guy's work too.

And look how fantastic it is! Would you really want that to be gone?

Copyright sucks sometimes. Sure we use it to protect our ideas from being 'ripped off'.

But that's the whole point of a real copyright lawsuit. Shameless rip-offs and fake merchandise, etc - stuff that makes others money at the expensive and creative effort of others. That's what copyright laws are SUPPOSE to do.

Not to halt fantastic non-profit fan-work. Those only serve as a tribute to their greatness. That's the opposite of what is suppose happen. You WANT FAN-WORK.

It's really stupid. Especially since 'some' companies only really care about money and not the creative drive that it could produce.

Can't we just live in a world where it's the ideas that are important. Not necessarily who owns them. Ideas build on top of each-other.

If this copyright "Protection" gets too out of hand, then we'll never move forward and are always staying within the boundaries of what we can and cannot take from inspiration. Because our inspiration could be claimed as 'theirs'.

That's like a Caveman suing Thomas Jefferson for "light". We'd still be in the dark ages.

Or the Earl of Sandwich suing every restaurant that sold 'HIS' meal. But even the Earl didn't make the Sandwich. One of his cooks did. The cook couldn't name it, but the king declared it for himself.

Bottom Line....it's the difference between Greed vs Creativity.

MONEY owns you. It owns your ideas. And puts a restriction on your capabilities of working with inspiration.

Hasbro may own a piece of paper of a franchise they bought out from an old woman in the 80's.

But they are seriously making people upset and halting all this creative freedom.

They were not the creative force as to why people like the franchise.

It was artists. Artists who care nothing more than the heart of animation magic and the talents of fantastic story telling.

They shouldn't get so offended by fan work. Nor do I believe they really have any right suing "non-profit" artwork.

Also - Fighting Games are very socially popular and very competitive.

But I've seen good sportsmanship emerge from a simple video game.

And nothing is wrong is friendly sparing.


If you are a Brony or an activist of Non-Profit Creative Freedom and want to write a letter to Hasbro.

Here is the address.

Hasbro, Inc.
1027 Newport Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02862.

But be polite and constructive.


How can fans express themselves if the Franchise owners put the thumb down on everything that even hold a likeness to it!?